This is an archive of a topic from NESdev BBS, taken in mid-October 2019 before a server upgrade.
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by on (#103700)
I try to dump a rom with TapeDump!
but when i decode with kcs 0.8
the app always show the wrong information --"Bad pattern at position xxxxx"

wav config: 44100Hz,nono,8bit
dump config:2400 bps
kcs config: -B2 -G2 -F10
Re: KCS DUMPER(TapeDump)
by on (#103710)
Did you have any success at 300-1200 bps first? With 2400/5200, the law of diminishing returns applies, meaning experimental dumps that need some massaging in a sample editor. Also, did you ONLY try the setting of -G2 -GF10, or did you try -F8, -F-10, -F20, etc.?
Re: KCS DUMPER(TapeDump)
by on (#103718)
ccovell wrote:
Did you have any success at 300-1200 bps first? With 2400/5200, the law of diminishing returns applies, meaning experimental dumps that need some massaging in a sample editor. Also, did you ONLY try the setting of -G2 -GF10, or did you try -F8, -F-10, -F20, etc.?

I'll try the different config!
Re: KCS DUMPER(TapeDump)
by on (#104171)
I direct decode the wav file(44100,8,mon),then all the data is 00!
I try to convert to (22050,8,mon),then decode the wav,OK it's successful!
Re: KCS DUMPER(TapeDump)
by on (#104174)
That's good to hear.
Re: KCS DUMPER(TapeDump)
by on (#104273)
ccovell wrote:
That's good to hear.

5200bps 96KHZ and 2400bps 44KHZ are also successful!