Famicom controllers

This is an archive of a topic from NESdev BBS, taken in mid-October 2019 before a server upgrade.
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Famicom controllers
by on (#92993)
I recently acquired a Famicom and took a few pictures of the controller insides while cleaning them.


Controller I

Controller II
The chip on the left did not photograph well, but says: Toshiba TC4069UBP / JAPAN 8546HB

Something really weird about my Controller II, is it doesn't seem to have a microphone in it at all! There is a cavity behind the mic hole where it looks like one belongs, and there are two holes in the PCB with solder over them where it looks like a mic might attach. Has anyone else ever seen this? Does anyone know of a good replacement part I could stick in there? (Also, there is a suspicious looking solder bridge on the IC, you can see on the top right of the board under the numeral 2. Wondering if I should clean that up... Edit: no, it's fine. That's bridging 5V supply to the SELECT and START pins. Exactly what it needs.)

by on (#92995)
I might be able to explain the missing mic. Over time some of the analog parts of it would break...causing a buzzing in the audio line coming from the mic circuit...a quick fix is to take out the mic so you don't get the annoying mic noise mixed in.

by on (#92998)
Hmm, that's possible. Though if that was done, they didn't snip any wires; they must have melted the solder. I was kinda guessing they just left it out at the factory by mistake.