Where do You Buy your Components?

This is an archive of a topic from NESdev BBS, taken in mid-October 2019 before a server upgrade.
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Where do You Buy your Components?
by on (#76920)
Hey all. I am having a tough time trying to source components from a single retailer. Digikey has the programmable logic I need (mid-range, 144 - 160 gates), but their selection of PLCC memory is terrible. Mouser has great prices on memory, but their mid-range CPLD's are almost non-existent.

What other retailers do you all use? I have Googled this to death, but most of the places I find do not even carry programmable logic.


by on (#76922)
I get all my stuff from local Elfa and Farnell resellers... but lately I am looking at china because the prices just cannot be beaten, everything is at least 2x cheaper.

by on (#76924)
A few of the 'other' places i've bookmarked, only actually used a couple of them though.


Plus there's always ebay, where you will find chinese sellers offering cheaper stuff, but you'll have to wait longer to get them or pay a lot more for faster delivery.

by on (#76926)
This site send inquires to Chinese distributors, it has a very good user interface :


by on (#76927)
Thanks for all of the links folks!

by on (#76932)
A little late to the party:

I use http://www.findchips.com/ to check for general availability.
The Handy Board specifies their parts list from ~3 different suppliers, which I think could only be a problem regarding shipping.

by on (#76936)
I use findchips.com also, it's really handy.

I've gotten quite a few good deals on ebay also, but it takes some patience (could take weeks or months to find a specific part). ebay seems to be turning into more of an overpriced online store, but deals still turn up.

But yeah in a lot of cases it's just not going to be possible to order all the parts from one place.

by on (#76941)
Here is a great thread to check out too:
Sources of Samples/Great products for your Mods