famicom chips

This is an archive of a topic from NESdev BBS, taken in mid-October 2019 before a server upgrade.
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famicom chips
by on (#47017)
i have a famicom board and saw that it has chips with the writing like this (right side up):


all of the nes carts i have ever encounted have writing on the chips upside


does this mean the first board with the writing right side up has the pinout completely backward on the board? or the chips were programmed backward? or just they were stamped unusually?

by on (#47114)
The site doesn't let allow direct linking to images (links show no image), so you should link the the profiles instead. But in regards to the chips, usually when the the writing is right-side up, it's because the chips are installed on the opposite side of the PCB, note how when text is like this, the PRG & CHR/RAM have switched sides as well.