Mike wrote:
kyuusaku, it appears as if you've misinterpreted almost every post I've made on the topic and warped it into being some sort of attack on you or something..
I'm sorry you believe I've taken it that way because none of your posts have directly involved me and that's not what I meant to communicate. My comments are just responses to your comments (my opinion on your opinion), nothing personal, olive branch taken. I don't dislike you or something, I quite like your demeanor, and don't take this as a personal attack, but in a short time you
-asked for plans to build the PowerPak, with a signature implying the "NES scene" (Nesdev?) would benefit from an open source flash cart
-commented that more widespread flash carts would rejuvenate the NES' popularity (in a positive tone)
-commented that flash carts "aren't popular", because of greed
-praised kathaku for making the schematics to his device available (did he offer before your comment?)
-shown enthusiasm over the schematics (which I didn't believe you understood are not usable without firmware)
-expressed interest in an Instructable citing it would increase the number of people capable of working on Nesdev
-quite plainly expressed that free schematics are "beneficial to all parties"
To me that qualifies as "going on about" free (in the open source sense of the word) options.
(Warning: run-on) and the only reason it irks me is because you have made it clear you're all about open source flash carts, and you claim indirectly/by default that (the high cost or propriety of?) the PowerPak is greedy, yet it doesn't sound like you're going to be heading up your own "people's flash cart" (though you've been pointed to FunkyFlash and are on a site with all the necessary NES-specific resources available). Instead, and I could very well be wrong, it just sounds like you want other people to release their projects with the hope that that a saturated market would yield a less expensive device for you and people which might develop free NES software for you to play... Not that there'd be anything wrong with that, but it's hypocritical to criticize capitalist flash carts as they quite similarly look after their own interests and in the PowerPak's case, pretty humbly.