Willem programmer features

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Willem programmer features
by on (#3554)

I'm thinking about getting a Willem PCB4C, but wonder if you could help me with some questions.

1. It semes like everyone here prefer EPROM, why? EEPROM isn't that more expensive is it? Maybe a stupid question, but do the PCB4C erase EEPROMS? The webpage say nothing about it.

2. Is the PCB4C all that is needed for making NES-cart-IC's? (Normal games and perhaps playing some backups, noting fancy like using extra soundchips etc)

3. Off-topic, but you people seme to know what you're talking about =D Reading that it also program PICs i realy want one. Perhaps i missed it, but is it possible to program PICs using In-circuit withing having to put it in the programmer?

/Nannou aka Christian

by on (#3557)
1. EEPROM is expensive, Flashrom is not. The main difference I think is that Flashrom has to be erased in blocks, and that's just fine. But it does erase Flashroms and (probably most) EEPROMs.

2. Depending on the board and chips you use, you'll have to rewire it. The only exception is when using 64kB or smaller EPROMs. But that should be everything you need.

3. It maybe depends on what PICs you want to use, so I wouldn't count on it, personally. It wouldn't program the PICs I use worth a crap (18F452 and 18F4525), and neither would this cheap Olimex programmer I got. But it could've been a simple problem with the (free) software. I ended up just spending another $55 for an ICD2 clone, to save myself the time and frustration. And yeah, any decent PIC programmer should have an ICSP connector, it's just a 6-pin header. (lots of programmers have that only, like for the Willem I had to build an ICSP to DIP40 adapter to try my PICs).

by on (#3588)
Do you have any examples of EEPROMS (if i find any used for example) or Flashroms that can be used for nes-carts? Mostly planing on doing simple NROM-carts for the moment. For example the 64kB that dont have to be rewired (if i understand it right).
Looking at the major chip-distrubutor here in sweden, Elfa and Bejoken they dont have to much fun, atleast what i can find..

/Nannou aka Christian

by on (#3592)
The flashrom I use is the AM29F040B. M29F040, AT29C040 are some other ones. All those are 512kB. But yeah, the DIP-32 versions of them sometimes aren't real easy to find.

I'm not sure about EEPROMs. They only seem to get up to 64kB or so, and get pretty expensive even at that small size.

All of them need rewiring, unfortunately. I think it's just EPROMs <= 64kB that have the right pinout.

Hmm, would you be interested in an adapter like was suggested in this other thread?
If I could make something like this for $10 or less (assembled and flashrom included), would that be cool? Of course, I doubt you'd want to wait for it now, heheh. But with no rewiring, and if it could fit back in the cart case and still be socketed, that'd be pretty nice. A PLCC extractor would be needed too, though.

by on (#3601)
That sounds realy nice, so you have found/made a 32PLCC to 32DIP converter that can fit in a closed case without cutting it?
What do you mean with PLCC extrator? Is it that hard to get it out of the socket?

by on (#3628)
I have a little PCB design for this kind of adapter, but I haven't had it made yet. Building it extremely low-profile will be kinda tricky, but it would be really cool to pull it off. I'll have to wait though until I get some cash to invest in it ($100+ is a lot to me right now, heheh, since I'm already sitting on a lot of parts for Squeedo).

You can't remove a PLCC chip by hand. The extractor simply fits beneath 2 corners and pulls the chip straight up when you squeeze the handle. The tool costs maybe $5 at the most. It looks like this: http://images.google.com/images?q=PLCC%20extractor