Need help with recognize mapper

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Need help with recognize mapper
by on (#33210)
I get interesting famicom cart. Unfortunately its doesn't work, i also cannot dump eproms using my eprom programmer because its protected (untypical pins connection).
What mapper its is??

by on (#33211)
What game is it? Perhaps you can find a ROM and load it into an emulator to see.

by on (#33212)
If your photo is the game your talking about those IR windows should really be covered leaveing them exposed has the potental of eraceing all data on the cartrige.

If you used the flash on your camera or had it exposed to sunlight chances are the EPROM data may already be damaged.

by on (#33213)
I never covered the windows when I played devcarts and never had a problem. I think I read it would take months to erase an EPROM in full sun. I wouldn't think a flash would have much UVC and anyways it's just for a fraction of a second.

by on (#33214)
yes its takes a wile but full erace and data loss are 2 differint things. I feel its a good idea to protect your stuff.

by on (#33217)
So it has a 1Mbit 16-bit PRG ROM, with multiplexers to make it 8-bit. The ROM's address bits are swapped around. 32K PRG switching and 8K CHR switching, but from the same bits??? Which are taken from A0 and A1 on $8000-FFFF writes... Talk about a bizarre cart! Because of it's weird bankswitching, I think it's intended to be a four game NROM multicart.

BTW, did you try to read the PRG ROM as a standard 27C1024?

by on (#33223)
Searching the Nestopia source yields the board "BMC-NOVELDIAMOND9999999IN1" (which is mapper 54, if I'm reading the source correctly). The implementation suggests 32KB PRG switching and 8KB CHR switching, both determined by the low address lines on writes to $8000-FFFF. I don't know if this is the cart you have, but that does appear to be the mapper.