Devcart news?

This is an archive of a topic from NESdev BBS, taken in mid-October 2019 before a server upgrade.
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Devcart news?
by on (#19689)
There's been alot of rumours for a few years about upcoming NES devcarts/flashcarts/similar but sadly none of them (to my knowledge) has ever been manufactured.
Anyone got any news concerning this matter?
I'd love a simple(?) devcart with just mapper0-4 emulation. :-)

by on (#19700)
I do have a mapper#2 devcart ready, got parts to build plenty of them and I've shipped a few. But it's not a complete kit, you need either a CopyNES or an external chip programmer.

I was gonna open my Membler Industries online store way back in April, but I wanted to finish more projects for it and one thing kinda led to another.. right now I can't open it even if I want to since the hosting it was on is gone (I have a database backup though). I registered though, heh.

by on (#19707)
Keep up the good work! A complete kit would be nice for hardware-newbies as myself. :)

by on (#19791)
Maybe you could sell pre-modded CopyNES systems along with the dev carts.