This is an archive of a topic from NESdev BBS, taken in mid-October 2019 before a server upgrade.
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by on (#236017)
Hi all. I recently picked up INLs kazzo flasher/dumper to dump my prototype cart I picked up last year. I managed to dump the rom with his help but now I have a .BIN file and I can’t figure out how to convert it to a .NES file. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Re: .BIN to .NES (Help)
by on (#236019)
You need to create the 16-byte NES header yourself and stick it on the front of the .bin, resulting in a valid .nes file (i.e. copy /b header+dump.bin > game.nes).

The format is well-documented and well-understood. The most complicated part is getting the mirroring and mapper number correct; the latter may require that you learn the NES 2.0 header format instead, but it's circumstantial (i.e. depends on what all is going on with the cart). Start with the original NES header and work from there; don't worry about 2.0 unless it turns out you need it.

If you can't get it working, odds are the mapper is wrong; to solve that, you're going to need to disclose details of said prototype, including very high resolution board PCBs so traces can be analysed and the actual hardware details reviewed.

And please don't be one of those people who dumps a ROM and botches the NES header -- this has caused a lot of pain over the past 20+ years. Ask us and we will help you get it right.

@Moderators: this needs to be moved to a different sub-board, ex. Hardware, as this is not NESdev related.
Re: .BIN to .NES (Help)
by on (#236369)
Here is a picture of my prototype. It's a boy and his blob. I'm mainly curious to see if the 3 or so screens that you can't get to in the home release (without the GG) are reachable.
Thanks for your help so far Koitsu.

Photo: A Boy and His Blob Advance Copy (2977x2284 pixels, 823 kB)
Re: .BIN to .NES (Help)
by on (#236373)
famirom has an editor screen to do this. download here: http://www.angelfire.com/retro/kingmercury/
the editor is available from the menu button (...) in the top right.

add your prg and chr bins on the right, and set the mapper number to 1 for mmc1. the default values for everything else should be fine.

did your dump give you 1 or 2 bins? you should have 1 each for prg and chr. what are the file sizes for your bins?
Re: .BIN to .NES (Help)
by on (#236379)
It gave me one 384 KB .bin file i dumped both the regular and prototype of the game. The regular one runs but the Characters are scrambled, the Prototype just loads a gray screen. Thanks for the program tho FrankWDoom, huge help!!!
Re: .BIN to .NES (Help)
by on (#236380)
A thing does not "load a grey screen" -- what you're seeing is a default set of content in the emulator you're using (almost certainly FCEUX from the description). ~95% of the time this means the 6502 code has crashed, i.e. the PRG could be wrong, etc.. You're expected to use the debugger to figure out the problem. Start by seeing if the RESET vector looks correct.
Re: .BIN to .NES (Help)
by on (#236403)
DarkHuman wrote:
It gave me one 384 KB .bin file i dumped both the regular and prototype of the game. The regular one runs but the Characters are scrambled, the Prototype just loads a gray screen. Thanks for the program tho FrankWDoom, huge help!!!

that photo you linked has 2x 128K chips. so one 384K bin looks like a bad dump. assuming it's concatenating prg and chr it should be 256K.
Re: .BIN to .NES (Help)
by on (#236597)
YES!! I dumped both!!!!!!!!
:beer: :D
INL Retro updated the Kazzo Flasher/Dumper software and now when you get the .bin all I needed to do is change the extension to .NES.
I was overdumping at 256/128, so i needed to dump the CHR and PNG at 128, and I had to open up and clean the connection pins on the Prototype to get it to dump a clean copy. After I got the home version to work the Prototype was still giving me the gray screen crash. A quick cleaning fixed that right up! Thanks again for your help everyone.

EDIT: added Rom Dumps!!