Internal dimensions of famicom cartridge shell

This is an archive of a topic from NESdev BBS, taken in mid-October 2019 before a server upgrade.
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Internal dimensions of famicom cartridge shell
by on (#202334)
Can anyone make photo of Famicom cartridge shell from inside and measure those a-g?

By f i mean the maximum PCB height that can fit into shell (so if the shell contains clips, please subtracth them, like shown below)

Re: Internal dimensions of famicom cartridge shell
by on (#202799)
Weren't there a variety of sizes for Famicom carts, since Nintendo wasn't monopolizing manufacturing like with the NES?
Re: Internal dimensions of famicom cartridge shell
by on (#202800)
Myask wrote:
Weren't there a variety of sizes for Famicom carts, since Nintendo wasn't monopolizing manufacturing like with the NES?

There were, but the majority of carts were a pretty standard size/shape anyway. I think most of the time when the cart was bigger it was to fit a battery backed save.