Looking for INL lives help

This is an archive of a topic from NESdev BBS, taken in mid-October 2019 before a server upgrade.
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Looking for INL lives help
by on (#200645)
I would like to make my own cart of Mother 25th anniversary edition. I'm completely new to NES repro stuff.

I've found infiniteneslives.com and see they sell the programmer boards, and a bunch of boards. I also found the ROM database for pcb types.

I found Mother in the database here: http://bootgod.dyndns.org:7777/profile.php?id=3553
Am I right in thinking that Mother uses the HVC-TKROM, so I'd need to get an INL board with 256k PRG and 256k CHK sizes of type MMC3 TKROM?

Hopefully someone will be able to point me in the right direction, since I don't want to end up with the wrong boards!

Thanks in advance.
Re: Looking for INL lives help
by on (#200646)
Pick the option with 256kB PRG ROM + 128kB CHR ROM
Re: Looking for INL lives help
by on (#200647)
FrankenGraphics wrote:
Pick the option with 256kB PRG ROM + 128kB CHR ROM

Ah yes I see that one, missed it. So that's all I'd need + the programmer?
Re: Looking for INL lives help
by on (#200650)
That's correct. Oh, and the software too, of course.
Re: Looking for INL lives help
by on (#200651)
FrankenGraphics wrote:
That's correct. Oh, and the software too, of course.

Thanks for the help. I'll go ahead and order and give this a shot then, thanks.
Re: Looking for INL lives help
by on (#200657)
Sometimes rom hacks change the size and/or mapper, so do doublecheck what the emulator says with the patched rom.