BennVenn's NES Cart Dumper (And Writer?)

This is an archive of a topic from NESdev BBS, taken in mid-October 2019 before a server upgrade.
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BennVenn's NES Cart Dumper (And Writer?)
by on (#169226)

My boards are here! 72Pin NES cart dumper, Auto PRG/CHR size detection, auto Ines header generation. Open source software in Python to make it super easy to add mappers. Also cross OS compatible.

I've added the basics, 32/8K, MMC1&3, I'm coding MMC2 now. I have a few discrete logic carts so they'll be added too. The software is open for anyone to add to. Firmware is not open source but I'm happy to add whatever features you need. So far you can read and write to any address on the cart, both PRG and CHR. I'll add WRAM support tonight. The timings conform to the 6502 bus spec.

The PC connection is via USB (64byte bulk transfer packets), not some dodgey USB-Serial bridge, FTDI etc...

I've limited cart bus activity to 1mhz, I have tested and only started to see issues approaching 6mhz but for the sake of compatibility, 1mhz is the limit.

I have these available in my store both with and without enclosures. Without can be shipped for around $5 worldwide, with enclosure will be a bit more but you'll get tracking etc... ... oming-soon

Re: BennVenn's NES Cart Dumper (And Writer?)
by on (#169227)
BennVenn wrote:

My boards are here! 72Pin NES cart dumper, Auto PRG/CHR size detection, auto Ines header generation. Open source software in Python to make it super easy to add mappers. Also cross OS compatible.

I've added the basics, 32/8K, MMC1&3, I'm coding MMC2 now. I have a few discrete logic carts so they'll be added too. The software is open for anyone to add to. Firmware is not open source but I'm happy to add whatever features you need. So far you can read and write to any address on the cart, both PRG and CHR. I'll add WRAM support tonight. The timings conform to the 6502 bus spec.

The PC connection is via USB (64byte bulk transfer packets), not some dodgey USB-Serial bridge, FTDI etc...

I've limited cart bus activity to 1mhz, I have tested and only started to see issues approaching 6mhz but for the sake of compatibility, 1mhz is the limit.

I have these available in my store both with and without enclosures. Without can be shipped for around $5 worldwide, with enclosure will be a bit more but you'll get tracking etc... ... oming-soon


But nes is 2.50mm slot (not 2.54mm).

BTW, your gb dumper is also great.
Re: BennVenn's NES Cart Dumper (And Writer?)
by on (#169230)
Ahh so it is!

Luckily the .04mm discrepancy over 36 pins does not cause any problems (0.7mm offset at either end). At least, hasn't in the ~100 times I've inserted various carts. But something to look into!

Are 2.50mm slots available anywhere?

Thanks Byemu. Oh I had a customer ask if GameGear flash carts were available, I thought I remember you having one?
Re: BennVenn's NES Cart Dumper (And Writer?)
by on (#169232)
If you cut about 0.7 mm out of the middle of the slot where the expansion pins are, you can minimize the cumulative error over the whole slot.
Re: BennVenn's NES Cart Dumper (And Writer?)
by on (#169233)
I *could* do that.... like I said, I've had no issues yet and others have done the same thing without problems. Its frustrating because they were advertised as NES72 pin slots. The carts do need to be clean though, I suppose because of the reduced contact area and pressure.

I'll add the option to ship without the connector soldered, in case someone wants to cut the connector up...
Re: BennVenn's NES Cart Dumper (And Writer?)
by on (#169256)
BennVenn wrote:
Ahh so it is!

Luckily the .04mm discrepancy over 36 pins does not cause any problems (0.7mm offset at either end). At least, hasn't in the ~100 times I've inserted various carts. But something to look into!

Are 2.50mm slots available anywhere?

Thanks Byemu. Oh I had a customer ask if GameGear flash carts were available, I thought I remember you having one?

I have 2.5mm 72p slot.
And I have Gamegear dumper,but not support flash at this moment.(It's easy to support)
Re: BennVenn's NES Cart Dumper (And Writer?)
by on (#169258)
Do you have a link to where I can buy the 72pin socket?
Re: BennVenn's NES Cart Dumper (And Writer?)
by on (#169271)
BennVenn wrote:
Do you have a link to where I can buy the 72pin socket?

In China on
Re: BennVenn's NES Cart Dumper (And Writer?)
by on (#170515)
byemu wrote:
BennVenn wrote:
Do you have a link to where I can buy the 72pin socket?

In China on

Was anyone able to find these, is there a part number or something? I've seen the U-shaped ones for front-loader connector replacement on there (and everywhere else), but not any straight 72-pin connectors.
Re: BennVenn's NES Cart Dumper (And Writer?)
by on (#170548)
No luck here, Must be the language barrier in taobao