KiCad 4

This is an archive of a topic from NESdev BBS, taken in mid-October 2019 before a server upgrade.
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KiCad 4
by on (#160306)
Via SoylentNews, via Hackaday, the KiCad project has released KiCad 4.0. This upgrade to the free (GPL) PCB design app includes a new "push and shove" router (video), differential trace length tuning features, a new part footprint format, and much better 3D board rendering.

Is it better than the previous version released in May 2013, or is it still crap?
Re: KiCad 4
by on (#160311)
In Debian Testing, I'm unable to locate a KiCad package.
Re: KiCad 4
by on (#160314)
On Debian, you'll have to build it from source, but 4.0.0 RC1 is in unstable.

No, not that Sid.

On Ubuntu, there's a PPA. There are also installers for 32-bit and 64-bit Windows and a pair of disk images for OS X.
Re: KiCad 4
by on (#160341)
I never used any version of kicad besides trying to find which PCB editor for linux was even okay. But this version looks excellent, finally.