How to decode STA $6000 ~ $7FFF

This is an archive of a topic from NESdev BBS, taken in mid-October 2019 before a server upgrade.
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How to decode STA $6000 ~ $7FFF
by on (#126538)
I want to make a SLROM 8 IN 1
I have two kinds of MMC1 clone
One of them have WRAM CE but the other one doesn't have this pin, and it is NC
For making a SLROM 8 IN 1 I can use WRAM CE as a clock signal for 74HC161
For the second clone I can't use this method so I have to decode STA $6000 ~ $7FFF another way
I tried to decode it by using these lines and 74HC238 :
A14 = 1
A13 = 1
Phi2 = 0
CPU R/W =0

But it doesn't work, where is my mistake?
Re: How to decode STA $6000 ~ $7FFF
by on (#126540)
The canonical circuit to do this, as seen in Family BASIC, is a 7420 on A14, A13, M2, and /PRGSEL. But you have to watch for timing issues on $E000-$FFFF writes because /PRGSEL changes several nanoseconds later than M2.
Re: How to decode STA $6000 ~ $7FFF
by on (#126545)
Thank you for the info, it seems I made a mistake about Phi2 state, I considered it low, but it must be high at that time.

Phi2 = 1
A14 = 1
A13 = 1
CPU R/W = 0

Maybe I can ignore CPU R/W state as in the menu it is used only once and it doesn't matter if $6000 ~ $7FFF is being written or read
If so I can use 74HC21 as its output goes high so it is perfect for the CLOCK of 74HC161 which is also active high.