8 IN 1 SLROM Multicartridge

This is an archive of a topic from NESdev BBS, taken in mid-October 2019 before a server upgrade.
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8 IN 1 SLROM Multicartridge
by on (#120080)
So what is this?
Yet another crap?
Anyway I want to share it here :

Menu :

Front :

Back :

Cover :

Mapper Schematic :

Chips :
27C080 --> PRG
27C080 --> CHR
KS5361 --> MMC1
238 --> Decoder
174 --> Latch

Download Multicartridge Menu Patch
Patch it to the Castlevania II - Simon's Quest (U) [!].nes

PRG Structure :
PRG1 --> Castlevania II - Simon's Quest (U) [!].nes
PRG2 --> Blaster Master (U) [!].nes
PRG3 --> Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers (U) [!].nes
PRG4 --> Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers 2 (U) [!].nes
PRG5 --> Clash at Demonhead (U) [!].nes
PRG6 --> Darkwing Duck (U) [!].nes
PRG7 --> Hook (U) [!].nes
PRG8 --> Snow Brothers (U) [!].nes

CHR Structure :
CHR1 --> Castlevania II - Simon's Quest (U) [!].nes
CHR2 --> Blaster Master (U) [!].nes
CHR3 --> Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers (U) [!].nes
CHR4 --> Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers 2 (U) [!].nes
CHR5 --> Clash at Demonhead (U) [!].nes
CHR6 --> Darkwing Duck (U) [!].nes
CHR7 --> Hook (U) [!].nes
CHR8 --> Snow Brothers (U) [!].nes

Registers :
A --> X
B --> D6 --> PRG A19 + CHR A19
C --> D5 --> PRG A18 + CHR A18
D --> D4 --> PRG A17 + CHR A17
E --> D3 --> DECODER [0:EN 1:DIS]
F --> X
G --> X
H --> X

Values on STA $6800
ROM1 --> CASTLEVANIA 2 ---------> X000 1XXX --> 0000 1000 --> 08 [MENU]
ROM2 --> BLASTER MASTER --------> X001 1XXX --> 0001 1000 --> 18
ROM3 --> CHIP AND DALE ---------> X010 1XXX --> 0010 1000 --> 28
ROM4 --> CHIP AND DALE 2 -------> X011 1XXX --> 0011 1000 --> 38
ROM5 --> DEMON HEAD ------------> X100 1XXX --> 0100 1000 --> 48
ROM6 --> DARKWING DUCK ---------> X101 1XXX --> 0101 1000 --> 58
ROM7 --> CAPTAIN HOOK ----------> X110 1XXX --> 0110 1000 --> 68
ROM8 --> SNOW BROTHERS ---------> X111 1XXX --> 0111 1000 --> 78

All of the games are Mapper1 (SLROM)
The menu code was originally Mapper 4 and I had to convert it to Mapper 1
Special thanks to Master Oliveira for his great idea of generating clock signal by using WRAM CE and CPU R/W, without his help I would get stuck on using address lines for clock signal! :mrgreen:

By the way any idea on how to run this rom with emulator?
What mapper number should I use?
Re: 8 IN 1 SLROM Multicartridge
by on (#120087)
I think you'd need to get the spec onto the wiki, claim an NES 2.0 mapper number through the registry on the wiki, and file feature requests in emulators' bug trackers.
Re: 8 IN 1 SLROM Multicartridge
by on (#120097)
FARID wrote:
So what is this?
Yet another crap?
Anyway I want to share it here :
Hey, I like hearing about the things you've assembled!

FARID wrote:
By the way any idea on how to run this rom with emulator?
What mapper number should I use?
Unfortunately, there are almost no MMC1-based multicarts. Mapper 105 (NWC) is the closest we can get, and it's basically one SGROM plus three NROM games.
Re: 8 IN 1 SLROM Multicartridge
by on (#120122)
Excellent work as usual. Maybe you or someone else can test it with an original mmc1 and on an original nes.
Re: 8 IN 1 SLROM Multicartridge
by on (#120130)
Good job!

You can use a unif board to support this mapper!
I can help you support this mapper on my vnes plus!
Re: 8 IN 1 SLROM Multicartridge
by on (#120186)
gorgyrip wrote:
Excellent work as usual. Maybe you or someone else can test it with an original mmc1 and on an original nes.

I'd be down to build it after finals in mid December :)
Re: 8 IN 1 SLROM Multicartridge
by on (#120243)
nice cart farid!
Re: 8 IN 1 SLROM Multicartridge
by on (#120553)
FARID wrote:
So what is this?
Yet another crap?
Anyway I want to share it here :

Menu :

Front :

Back :

Mapper Schematic :

Chips :
27C080 --> PRG
27C080 --> CHR
KS5361 --> MMC1
238 --> Decoder
174 --> Latch

Download Multicartridge Menu Patch
Patch it to the Castlevania II - Simon's Quest (U) [!].nes

PRG Structure :
PRG1 --> Castlevania II - Simon's Quest (U) [!].nes
PRG2 --> Blaster Master (U) [!].nes
PRG3 --> Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers (U) [!].nes
PRG4 --> Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers 2 (U) [!].nes
PRG5 --> Clash at Demonhead (U) [!].nes
PRG6 --> Darkwing Duck (U) [!].nes
PRG7 --> Hook (U) [!].nes
PRG8 --> Snow Brothers (U) [!].nes

CHR Structure :
CHR1 --> Castlevania II - Simon's Quest (U) [!].nes
CHR2 --> Blaster Master (U) [!].nes
CHR3 --> Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers (U) [!].nes
CHR4 --> Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers 2 (U) [!].nes
CHR5 --> Clash at Demonhead (U) [!].nes
CHR6 --> Darkwing Duck (U) [!].nes
CHR7 --> Hook (U) [!].nes
CHR8 --> Snow Brothers (U) [!].nes

Registers :
A --> X
B --> D6 --> PRG A19 + CHR A19
C --> D5 --> PRG A18 + CHR A18
D --> D4 --> PRG A17 + CHR A17
E --> D3 --> DECODER [0:EN 1:DIS]
F --> X
G --> X
H --> X

Values on STA $6800
ROM1 --> CASTLEVANIA 2 ---------> X000 1XXX --> 0000 1000 --> 08 [MENU]
ROM2 --> BLASTER MASTER --------> X001 1XXX --> 0001 1000 --> 18
ROM3 --> CHIP AND DALE ---------> X010 1XXX --> 0010 1000 --> 28
ROM4 --> CHIP AND DALE 2 -------> X011 1XXX --> 0011 1000 --> 38
ROM5 --> DEMON HEAD ------------> X100 1XXX --> 0100 1000 --> 48
ROM6 --> DARKWING DUCK ---------> X101 1XXX --> 0101 1000 --> 58
ROM7 --> CAPTAIN HOOK ----------> X110 1XXX --> 0110 1000 --> 68
ROM8 --> SNOW BROTHERS ---------> X111 1XXX --> 0111 1000 --> 78

All of the games are Mapper1 (SLROM)
The menu code was originally Mapper 4 and I had to convert it to Mapper 1
Special thanks to Master Oliveira for his great idea of generating clock signal by using WRAM CE and CPU R/W, without his help I would get stuck on using address lines for clock signal! :mrgreen:

By the way any idea on how to run this rom with emulator?
What mapper number should I use?

May I try to use a gal16v8d replace the two 74!
And how to write the cupl sourcecode?
Re: 8 IN 1 SLROM Multicartridge
by on (#120555)
Yes, this is really a great idea.
I found these, but they are not free :
GAL16V8 Data Sheet
ISP Engineering Kit Model 300 Data Sheet
Lattice Diamond Programmer Software

Lets find a free project to use :D

Edit 1 :
And here is a very neat programmer : Uprog LITE / LPT

Edit 2 :
Oh,well it seems Uprog is not free, is it?!
But don't worry here is another FREE one, YES! :mrgreen: :

GALBlast Version 1.6


Re: 8 IN 1 SLROM Multicartridge
by on (#120556)
FARID wrote:
Yes, this is really a great idea.
I found these, but they are not free :
GAL16V8 Data Sheet
ISP Engineering Kit Model 300 Data Sheet
Lattice Diamond Programmer Software

Lets find a free project to use :D

Edit 1 :
And here is a very neat programmer : Uprog LITE / LPT

Edit 2 :
Oh,well it seems Uprog is not free, is it?!
But don't worry here is another FREE one, YES! :mrgreen: :

GALBlast Version 1.6



I have the programmer
So I need a guide to write the abel or cupl code.
Re: 8 IN 1 SLROM Multicartridge
by on (#120561)
Maybe you can use this tutorial :
Schematic and ABEL-HDL Design Tutorial
Re: 8 IN 1 SLROM Multicartridge
by on (#120574)
Check out WinCUPL. It's very simple to use, and has a built-in waveform Simulator.
Re: 8 IN 1 SLROM Multicartridge
by on (#124041)
FARID, please upload a picture in the first post they do not appear
Re: 8 IN 1 SLROM Multicartridge
by on (#124209)
Ruslansh wrote:
FARID, please upload a picture in the first post they do not appear

There you are, I reuploaded them and added a cover, have fun :beer:
Re: 8 IN 1 SLROM Multicartridge
by on (#124321)
thank you!
Re: 8 IN 1 SLROM Multicartridge
by on (#124417)
There is a possibility for a future version 4 in 1 for 27C040 users?
Re: 8 IN 1 SLROM Multicartridge
by on (#124424)
I'm pretty certain you should be able to just take the first halves of the resultant images and have it work: the 74'174 has been wired to boot the cartridge into the first 128KiB.

You'll need to modify the menu to only offer the first four. (otherwise 5-8 will map to 1-4)
Re: 8 IN 1 SLROM Multicartridge
by on (#126623)
There is no need for 74HC238, WRAM CE can do the job alone as a clock signal for 74HC161.
Also I have a clone MMC1 which don't have WRAM CE at all (it is NC), for this kind of MMC1 the clock signal can be generated by decoding STA $8010 with 74HC139 :
CPU R/W = 0
PRG A4 = 1
Re: 8 IN 1 SLROM Multicartridge
by on (#127127)
Ruslansh wrote:
What a menu will work with this scheme? - download/file.php?id=1331

This should work (From the first post) : Menu Patch

Ruslansh wrote:
games using WRAM will normally work?

Yes, they also work

Ruslansh wrote:
download/file.php?id=1331 - what needs to change in the scheme that would make it work? I use w27e040 eeprom

It should work, check everything again.
Re: 8 IN 1 SLROM Multicartridge
by on (#127132)
Image хостинг картинок

Soldered this scheme. Rechecked. Menu filled from the first post. Cartridge menu starts - games does not change.
Re: 8 IN 1 SLROM Multicartridge
by on (#127135)
Does it work with the schematic from the first post?
Re: 8 IN 1 SLROM Multicartridge
by on (#127136)
From the first post I did not. I want to do that this would work. I'll collect the cartridge MMC1 and MMC3 on the same board. I need that to one scheme worked with two mappers.
Re: 8 IN 1 SLROM Multicartridge
by on (#127137)
Ruslansh wrote:
games does not change.
Check the following:
* Make sure you've wired the resistor/capacitor/diode correctly. The voltage on pin 1, while the famiclone is powered and reset is pressed, should be 0V. It should then go to 5V once you release reset.
* Make sure pin 2 is connected correctly.
* Make sure pins 7, 8, 10 are grounded.

Also, try changing the capacitor to be connected to ground instead of +5V.
Re: 8 IN 1 SLROM Multicartridge
by on (#129004)
There is a menu for MMC3 mapper for games 256 kb.?
Re: 8 IN 1 SLROM Multicartridge
by on (#129011)
Farid had previously made this one for 128 KiB MMC3 games, but it could easily be modified to support 256 KiB PRG instead.
Re: 8 IN 1 SLROM Multicartridge
by on (#129076)
Ruslansh wrote:
Image хостинг картинок

Soldered this scheme. Rechecked. Menu filled from the first post. Cartridge menu starts - games does not change.

This scheme does not work with the menu 8 in 1 but it works with the menu under MMC 3 mapper for games ninja gaiden 3 in 1
Re: 8 IN 1 SLROM Multicartridge
by on (#129079)

Posting some pictures may make me passionate :D
Re: 8 IN 1 SLROM Multicartridge
by on (#129080)
FARID wrote:

Posting some pictures may make me passionate :D

I do not understand
Re: 8 IN 1 SLROM Multicartridge
by on (#129164)
nestopia plus! working