hello all! i just had some questions about VegaPlay, and was wondering if anyone around here has messed around with it.
im trying to streamline my live sets so there arent as many interruptions between songs. im currently in talks with nick maynard of revengineers about building a pedal similar to the one you see in this depreciation guild video at 0:09 seconds, to start and stop nsfs for live shows.
basically all im trying to do is eliminate the need for me to touch a controller with my hands. it gets a little obnoxious ending a song, picking up the controller and scolling back through to the next song.
i know vegaplay is essentially an nsf "playlist" if you will, so that will eliminate the need for any sort of re-loading of nsfs during our live sets, which will in turn cut down on the awkward silences in between songs.
from what ive read, vegaplay is not able to support any expansion audio, but can be modified to do so, i dont know how to program NES code, so im at a loss, and i believe its creator (NOCARRIER) has stopped all development on it.
i did see a thread on here about CombiNSF, which sounds similar to what im looking for. just a way to combine all my songs into one nsf file, or playlist for live shows.
any ideas/suggestions? thanks!
im trying to streamline my live sets so there arent as many interruptions between songs. im currently in talks with nick maynard of revengineers about building a pedal similar to the one you see in this depreciation guild video at 0:09 seconds, to start and stop nsfs for live shows.
basically all im trying to do is eliminate the need for me to touch a controller with my hands. it gets a little obnoxious ending a song, picking up the controller and scolling back through to the next song.
i know vegaplay is essentially an nsf "playlist" if you will, so that will eliminate the need for any sort of re-loading of nsfs during our live sets, which will in turn cut down on the awkward silences in between songs.
from what ive read, vegaplay is not able to support any expansion audio, but can be modified to do so, i dont know how to program NES code, so im at a loss, and i believe its creator (NOCARRIER) has stopped all development on it.
i did see a thread on here about CombiNSF, which sounds similar to what im looking for. just a way to combine all my songs into one nsf file, or playlist for live shows.
any ideas/suggestions? thanks!