Famitracker Sound Driver acts funny?

This is an archive of a topic from NESdev BBS, taken in mid-October 2019 before a server upgrade.
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Famitracker Sound Driver acts funny?
by on (#93515)
Copy pasted from Famitracker forums
Recently, I was developing a game.One guy decided to help me out with music, however, after including source into my game, music just sound strange, like instruments were changed.After some digging, I was 100% sure I included everything propely.Then i decided to export NES file.And guess what? It also had instruments changed.NSF version plays nicely-excatly how it should.After some more digging, I'v found something...unsettling-Music was sounding differently with with other emulator.After checking a few emulators, only Nintendulator (most accruate NES emulator) seems to play music correctly.Also, NES file genereated with famitracker works fine with hardware.
Now, question:
Is this fault of emulators? I guess they are not 100% compatible?

Thanks for your time.

I decided to ask also here for advice.

by on (#93521)
I just checked it out. You need to clear the RAM to zeroes first. Famitacker's NES generator is clearing out the wrong page of RAM. It clears 0300-03FF, but uses 0200-02FF.

FCEUX fills RAM with a 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF pattern, and Famitracker gets screwed up in a few places when bytes in RAM are FF instead of 00.

by on (#93522)
Wow, you're right! :shock:
My game's $200 was occupied(Only few bytes), because I thought driver uses $300(I'v looked into reset code, because there's no info about it in readme.txt, duh!)
Thank you, thank you, thank you! :D
You are really good person, thanks. :)