Mitigating Volume Level Attenuation of Triangle and Noise

This is an archive of a topic from NESdev BBS, taken in mid-October 2019 before a server upgrade.
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Mitigating Volume Level Attenuation of Triangle and Noise
by on (#70943)
What's the best way to constantly force the triangle and noise to output at the reduced level you get when using DCM?

I'm thinking it would be better for balancing channels if those two channels were always output as if you were playing DCM, even when you're not.

by on (#70944)
The trick might be to ensure that all DPCM samples let the delta counter in a similar state, then initialise the counter with that value. Or you can just blindly use $3F.

by on (#70945)
Heh, typical. :)

I was actually writing $3F to $4011 and couldn't figure out why I still got the volume changing depending on whether I was using DCM or not.

At least I thought I did until I realised I put the $3F in the wrong place in my APU init table! :oops:
