Hi, I really need a program that can take the note data from each channel in an NSF track and convert them to a midi file so I can import them into something like FLStudio. I've scoured the net for programs that can help me do this but I couldn't find anything. Is there a program somewhere out there that does this?
Something else that would be helpful is a program that can easily rip each seperate channel (e.g. triangle, square1, square2,) to it's own wav file. It's tedious to mute each one with NotSoFatso plugin for winamp and use the diskwriter plugin to save a wav file. M aybe there's a better alternative?
Something else that would be helpful is a program that can easily rip each seperate channel (e.g. triangle, square1, square2,) to it's own wav file. It's tedious to mute each one with NotSoFatso plugin for winamp and use the diskwriter plugin to save a wav file. M aybe there's a better alternative?