Okay, I just wanted to throw this random idea out there, because I thought it would be cool, and I don't know if it's been invented, but if it hasn't, it would be cool. What if there was something like an iPOD, but instead of playing MP3s, it played NSFs? I just think that would be cool, because I really would like to walk around listening to the awesomeness of my NSF I'm constructing! Don't you think that would be cool? Just thought I'd mention it.
Try a GBA SP and a GBA flash cart with PogoShell. PogoShell includes an NSF player based on PocketNES.
I don't know crap about GBA dev... I just thought I'd mention the idea for someone else to put it together, becuase I don't really know how...
You don't need to do the development yourself; it already has been put together. All you need are a GBA SP, a flash cart, and the PogoShell builder program.
Celius, honnestly your idea is genius. Really. It would rock so much.
I think you need some flash roms to be rewritten with the NSF you like, and a plastic box with a USB input, and a jack output for speakers, inside there would be a bunch of various counters to simulate an analog NES APU, a 6502 CPU (I think there should exist new-type CMOS 6502 that are still possible to buy today) and a flash rom that could be read by the actual 6502. Also, 2kb+8kb of SRAM would be needed to emulate the NES ram Doing additional logic to support at least VRC6 and MMC5 should be possible and cool, and to do banswitching of course. Wouldn't be easy, but would be possible.
I would love to see this but with the options to also play sid, spc, mod and xm ^^. ofcourse as tepples has already pointed out you can do this on a gba/nds but it would be much nicer having this in a ipod-mini/shuffle sized device

I think it would definitely not be possible without input an extra CPU of any type, that would manadge a LCD screen with various play options with some buttons, and that would emulate the NES apu channels and possibly directly emulate 6502 CPU.
Playing SPC files would be cool to, but MUCH more complicated.
Playing SPC files would be cool to, but MUCH more complicated.
Or simpler, considering there's already a
compact module that plays SPC music natively.
blargg wrote:
Playing SPC files would be cool to, but MUCH more complicated.
Or simpler, considering there's already a
compact module that plays SPC music natively.
I wanted to build one of those, that's why I posted the other thread asking why there was no "silver-box" in my snes.. but I can't find one of those things so I havn't build it yet =/
Celius, honestly, your idea is genius.
Why thank you bregalad! I appreciate that. If someone else invents it, I would just like to be credited for the idea, if no one has thought of it already.
blargg wrote:
I didn't totally got it. The guy extracted the APU from his SNES and put it in his own packadge to play SPC files, with a software to load them, right ? That's interesting, but how do you plan to play your SNES games without sound from now, huh ? (actually I think all games will frezee while trying to comunicate with the APU).
Bregalad wrote:
That's interesting, but how do you plan to play your SNES games without sound from now, huh ?
By buying a second Super NES through eBay.
Okay, I know that this console isn't really common, but still present enough to buy a second one.... But I HATE wasting stuff like that, that's just incredibly stupid.
You know, in MAKE: magazine, they showed how to hack an iPod and put Linux firmware on it, as well as how to allow playback of Ogg Vorbis format. I'm sure there must be a way to allow NSF format. Not entirely sure, actually, but hopeful.
I think it's a brilliant idea, becuase i recently had the same
I recently spent quite a bit of time modifying nosefart for linux to a minimum version. However i gave up on it when i noticed it didn't even play quite a few nsf's properly even without me fiddling with the code
I had been hoping to make a version that could possibly run on a AT91SAM7S64 microcontroller ( 55 MHz, 16 kb SRAM ) along with a 2 MB flash memory.
Oh and naturally, it would all be built in a NES pad, with no display(!!!)
I don't want to ruin the design
However it looks like it's going to be hard to emulate with a processor only 30 times faster than the original, but i'm not giving up!
If anyone could direct my to a minimal NSF player (linux/windows/dos doesn't matter) i would appreciate it!
notsofatso looked promising but there seems to be so much extra stuff added.
According to the software section on 2A03.org, NEZplug is the least CPU intensive. I find that NSFplay and G-NSF are small standalone players. Of course, I don't really know, I'm not really a programmer! But anyway, if you haven't yet, check out 2A03.org/software.php
NEZplug looks interesting, i'll take a look at it later.
As for G-NSF there doesn't seem to be any source, so it won't do me much good, and NSFplay just uses NEZplug.
I also noticed my NSF sounded bad even in other players, so i guess i just had a bad rip there. I guess nosefart will do after all, (but more reference never hurts!)
I'm currently writing a APU-emulator as noone out there probably is remotely close to what i need to do in a microcontroller -> DAC
Wopps, sorry, i didn't notice i wasn't logged in. That's my post above!
I'm not sure if this is of any help to you, but it was posted today:
I hope everything goes well!