I played Ninja Gaiden III to the end, and there is something weird about the ending theme (track 23).
My subconsiousness tells me I've already heard that song, but I really can't remember where. Is that song a cover of another song ?
That could be a possibility.
The first Ninja Gaiden has a song that resembles "A Time For Us."
The song sounds a little like some early/mid 80s song, whose title I don't know... some pop or new-wave song. Sorry I can't help out more than that.
sounds like music from one of the newer Zeldas
Well, thank I now remember ! I head it in a version of RPG maked, who stealed music from various games.
On a related note, one day I stumbled onto an old song on the radio that sounded just like track 9 from Uninvited (I think what it's playing when you come up behind that fancy-dressed dead lady).
Anyone know what song that is? I ripped that NSF and it bugs me a little bit to not know.
Maybe it's just a cover the programmers hidden for trivia, or else the composer would simply have been inspired by that song.
Oh, so it's like the theme from TV's
3-2-1 Contact hidden in "Chill" from Dr. Mario. Compare
Chill to 0:13 through 0:21 of
Oh my gosh! I remember seeing that, like, in 3rd grade & thinking
that sounds familiar.
Then, playing Dr. Mario years later, I'm like,
didn't they steal this from something?
Glad to see someone else noticed.