Unused / Unknown nsf tracks

This is an archive of a topic from NESdev BBS, taken in mid-October 2019 before a server upgrade.
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Unused / Unknown nsf tracks
by on (#38021)
Hey all, I'm going to organize a collection of "lost tunes" to share with the interwebs. I've always been intrigued by music found in the rom data that never made it into gameplay.

I plan on including-
-unused tracks (as well as "unknowns" that are up for debate/ scrutiny)
-tracks that got cut off and you never got to hear the whole thing
-alternate prototype tracks that never made it into their commercial NES/ Famicom releases

I might throw up a simple page or zip of mp3s somewhere, accompanied by a write-up that ruminates on what the composers' intentions may have been and how they may have fit into their respective games.

Here's what I've come up with so far (with a little help from here and here):

Unused/ Unknown:
-AD&D: Heroes of the Lance (track 8 )
-Adventures in Magic Kingdom (tracks 9 and 14)
-Batman Return of the Joker (track 6)
-Beauty and the Beast (tracks 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22)
-Bram Stoker's Dracula (track 1, 2, 3)
-Buzz and Waldog (track 6)
-Captain Skyhawk (track 3)
-Castlevania: Name Entry (leftover from FDS version)
-Conquest of the Crystal Palace (tracks 4, 13, 21, 22, 24, 25, in sound test)
-Gimmick: Strange Memories of Death (nsf track 2, in sound test)
-Hebereke (track 4)
-Journey to Silius (tracks 8 & 10)
-Maniac Mansion (track 13)
-Might and Magic (track 10)
-Ninja Gaiden II (track 9)
-Recca (tracks 16, 17, 40)
-River City Ransom (tracks 13, 14, 15, 16, 17)
-Shadowgate (track 13)
-Tetris [Nintendo] (track 1)
-Werewolf - The Last Warrior (track 5 in both NES and Famicom versions)
-Wizards and Warriors 3 (tracks 20, 21, 22, and 23)
-Wurm (tracks 9 & 16)
-Zelda II (track 29)

Cut off:
-Dash Galaxy in the Alien Asylum: Opening Cutscene (track 4)
-Double Dragon: Mission Screen (track 2)
-Mega Man 3: Wily Map & Proto Man's Theme (tracks 55 & 19)
-Mega Man 4: Title Screen (track 19)
-Strider: Ending Cutscene (track 14)
-Wurm: Looking for Ziggy Cutscene (track 15)

Alternate Prototype Tracks:
-Batman (Ending, tracks 11 and 12)
-DuckTales (Moon & Transylvania, tracks 2 and 5)

Anyone know of anything else? If you can identify any of the "unknowns" or make the list larger, it'd be appreciated. :)

by on (#38024)
Oh and a couple curious things of interest

-There are those weird "glitchy" jingles in Solstice. Are these artifacts of a bad nsf rip or is that junk data actually from the game? All the jingles seem to borrow snippets from other tracks and freeze.

-The ending to Mega Man IV, track 12, gets further and further out of time with each subsequent loop! The second square gets ahead.
The first loop doesn't occur until 1:20 in, and either hasn't screwed up yet or is too small a change to notice. At 1:49 it becomes noticeable. At 2:17 it's obvious, and only gets worse. If the ending to the game looped longer would it have sounded like that or is this also an nsf issue?

by on (#38032)
- Battletoads nsf track 8
- Batman Return of the Jocker nsf track 6
- Breath of Fire "Inn" song (okay this is a SNES/GBA game not a NES game, does it count ?)

-The ending to Mega Man IV, track 12, gets further and further out of time with each subsequent loop!

So does music 1 in Rad Racer and musics for level 2 and level 3 in Battletoads & Double Dragon.

by on (#38033)
Megaman 3 Protoman theme may be cut off, but you can still pause the game and hear the whole thing.

Track 28 is used in Zelda 2 when you cast "Spell" to get the magic key. Nothing hidden or obscure about this one.

by on (#38036)
Thanks guys! I edited the post accordingly.

Are you sure about the MM3 pause trick?
I'm pretty sure that pausing at the right moment lets you hear all of track 18, not 19. It's more than you get to hear normally but it's not the entire ending theme. At least that's what happened when I did it. Although I guess that's still of interest since the last note of track 18 doesn't get to sustain as long as it does in the full version, making it slightly different than the track 19 intro...

by on (#38054)
Cut off/ unfinished:
Kirby's Adventure
NSF track 17

by on (#38063)
Here's a non-cutoff version of Kirby Adventure : http://akumunsf.good-evil.net/K/ Note: right-click and save as (save as nsf) when you see the file, or you get garbage text in your browser... that's a bug of the website.

by on (#38072)
I know this is a thread about NSFs, but there's a track in the Tetris DX GBS that doesn't appear anywhere in the game, track 30. It sounds pretty nifty too, but kinda glitchy, maybe a test song left over from an earlier version of the engine? I was always curious about it. o_O

Anyway, there's an unused track in the Nintendo Tetris nsf. Track 1, in fact. Maybe it's title screen music? Wonder why they'd leave it out...

by on (#38132)
Good find!

NotTheCommonDose, you meant that the Kirby NSF track itself was incomplete / erroneous, right? Just clarifying-- if you got to hear the whole thing in the game then I'd pass on it.

I found out about mega man 3, apparently you have to hold up + a on the second controller during the ending cutscene to screw up mega man's exit jump / teleport and prolong the ending music. Pretty cool.

I've been informed that track 16, 17, and 40 of Recca were unused too.

by on (#38551)
The NSFE labels tracks 19-23 of Wizards and Warriors 3 as "unknown". Anyone familiar with the game? Might give it a playthrough to double check...

by on (#38572)
Dash Galaxy in the Alien Asylum - Track 4 (Cuts off in-game)

MIDI (Intro):

http://www.laurasmidiheaven.com/0vg/Nin ... ylum.shtml

Come to think of it, I don't remember Tracks 1-3

by on (#38574)
I've played Wizards and Warriors 3 a bunch of times, and never heard tracks 20-23. Track 19 is an endless looping version of the pause theme.

by on (#38752)
Cool thanks again, I made some updates to the post.

It seems that Kirby's Adventure nsf track should be on the list anyways, under 'unused'. I got confused by the bad rip of it, but either way it is apparently only in the game's soundtest and not in the actual gameplay anywhere?

According to the Flying Omelette -
"I noticed this one in the game's sound test that's unlocked after beating the Extra Game with 100%. It's almost a perfect replica of the title theme from the Game Boy Kirby's Dream Land... It's not used anywhere in Kirby's Adventure except in the sound test."

by on (#38758)
There's always the weird track from "Erika to Satoru no Yumebouken" (Track #24) that appears to be lifted directly from Karate Kid.

by on (#38763)
I even checked the title screen code in Kirby's Adventure to see if the unused track might be enabled via a button code or some in-game accomplishment, but no such luck. It's quite hard-coded to use the current track.

by on (#38804)
Prototype track from Super Mario Bros 2 (USA):Track 4 (Remixed Underground theme from SMB1)

by on (#39843)
Blades of Steel - The track that play's when the players are entering the arena is cut off, 5th track in the NSF. Also some other tracks in the NSF that I'm not sure are in.

Robin Hood - Haven't heard Track 4 of the NSF in the game.

Kabuki Quantum Fighter - Track 5 in the nsf wasn't used in the game, but was available in the in game sound test.


Chip 'N Dale 2 Track 34 in the NSF.

by on (#40621)
Cut off: Battletoads - Track 19 (the interludes with Professor Bird/The Dark Queen)

There's a nifty tune that plays on the square waves that you don't get to hear in the game itself. :)

Semi-related to this post: does anyone have a Game Genie code or something for Battletoads that would allow you to change the song that's currently playing? I want to try and play the Terra Tubes level with Track 8 playing — it's the only level that repeats another one's track, hence why I'm curious as to how it'd be. :D

by on (#40899)
Is there an "official" NSF repository from where you guys are getting the files? I've found two versions of the Wizards & Warriors III NSF, only one of which has 23 tracks, but I'd like to make sure it's the same one Dwedit is using.

by on (#40926)
There is an unused tune in Bases Loaded 3, track 46 about 17 minutes into silence you'll hear a melody that I'm unfamiliar with.

by on (#47074)
Cut off:
-Darkwing Duck: Ending Cutscene (track 15)

I'm not sure if there's a way of hearing it all the way through, but what always happens during the ending is Darkwing rides on his bike and after a while, he crashes into a rock, sending him flying. The screen stops with Darkwing in mid-air and the music changes to the main theme.

by on (#47080)
Nightmare on Elm Street track 1 is the main outdoors theme, but missing the lead. Not used of course.

by on (#47089)
-Lunar Pool/Lunar Ball (track 15)

Cut Off:
-City Connection: Running over a cat (track 5)

I'm not sure if the City Connection thing counts. The track cuts off only a little at best, probably because the track desyncs due to a note that's too short.

by on (#47544)
Guerilla War, track 9

by on (#47556)
thanks a lot guys! It's been a while since I posted this but I do have an article on this planned for the not distant future. :)

by on (#49345)
-Transformers: Convoy no Nazo/Mystery of Comvoy (track 5)

Cut off:
-Transformers: Convoy no Nazo/Mystery of Comvoy: Title Screen (track 1)

Again not sure if this cut off track counts, since the theme has a small tune after a couple of seconds of silence, this part is not heard in-game because the game skips to a gameplay demo before it happens.

by on (#49935)
Teppic wrote:
Blades of Steel - The track that play's when the players are entering the arena is cut off, 5th track in the NSF. Also some other tracks in the NSF that I'm not sure are in.

Hey all. I'm on my way to finishing up my 7 disc compilation of NES tunes that I remember from back in the day. The only track I'm unsure is #10 from Blades of Steel, in my nsf file of 51 tracks. In my multiple playthroughs, I haven't been able to find if this was actually used in the game or not.

It's roughly 13 seconds long, kinda upbeat with some techno flair, and ends with Contra-esqe drum beats. Anyone know the tune?
by on (#50857)
The whole battleship NSF file found on Zophar's domain, isn't working at all. It skips from track to track, with no sound whatsouever.

Is there any way to fix this?

I'd fix it myself if I knew how to edit the NSF file in hex. I mean, the music is ALL there, just the thing that links to the tracks isn't.

by on (#50858)
I think the battleship nsf was a bad rip or one from the PAL version. I recall someone doing a good rip sometime, but I don't know where it was hosted. Try looking in the request thread.