From the version history section of the readme:
- First release by Drag! Huzzah!
** Technical **
- The code is no longer being compiled with VC++. It has been ported to Dev-Cpp now.
- All proprietary VC++ functions (VC++ has some special nonstandard functions that
other compilers and libraries don't have) have been changed or rewritten to normal
non-proprietary functions.
- In a related note, Winamp was crashing whenever I tried to play a song, after I
changed the code to compile with dev-cpp. Disch used __fastcall on most of the 6502
emulation code, and I guess dev-cpp handles it differently and in an incompatible
way compared to VC++. All instances of __fastcall have been removed, and now the
plugin works again, but it MAY be using more cpu power than before as a result.
- The filesize of the plugin is now bigger, but I'm sure that's because VC++ does
some optimizations by default when compiling, and I haven't messed around with
that yet.
** Less Technical **
- Notes played on the triangle channel will play for too long in some engines, due
to a glitch in the linear counter. Disch actually had a fix prepared for this for
a long time, but he never added it. (listen to RC Pro Am, and Atlantis no Nazo for
- The hardware decay envelope wouldn't reset immediately when new notes were played,
which means "bing" was more of a "wing" sometimes. This is fixed now. (listen
to Spelunker, Atlantis no Nazo, Dragon Warrior 1, Mario Bros, and Donkey Kong
for example.)
- The hardware sweep unit didn't reset its period cycle when its register was written
to. This is fixed, but you probably won't notice.
- When winamp was paused, and you press play or change tracks, the position resets
to the beginning, but the song remains paused until you press the pause button
again. This should be fixed now.
Minor things that overall tend to only be noticeable in certain cases.