Will this be hard to do not only porting but adding more features to it?
It wouldn't be porting so much as it'd be making a plugin from scratch.
The actual DMC playback code amounts to one relatively small routine. The bulk of the program is directory searching, audio output, UI handling, etc -- all of which is handled (or done differently) by Winamp, so it would all have to be gutted or rewritten.
At any rate -- this isn't something I'd be interested in doing. Making Winamp plugins is a real nightmare... something I don't think I ever want to do again.
Again? Will it be hard for me to do?
"Will it be hard for me" when talking about programming something is an impossible question to answer. I don't know how experienced you are, what you're good at, how much of the subject you know or are familair with, or how much you plan on doing. It might make you pull your hair out in frustration, or it might take you all of 2 hours to complete.
You're in a far better position to know whether or not something will be hard for you than I am.
Sorry about that rhetorician question. I meant to tell you this earlier but the DMC player nor it's source code is not on your site. I would like to take the challenge to port it to winamp an would like the source if it's possible.
Yeah --- I should probably get around to putting it up there. I think the only place on the net I've ever put it is on message boards.
Keeping with tradition:
http://dischmeister.googlepages.com/dmc ... andbin.zip
This was a quick "throw together in a day" program -- so don't expect beautiful source.
What did you use to compile this?
If you want a DMC decoder source code so that you can wrap it into an input plug-in for an audio player, try the decoder in
my DPCM ripper, which outputs RIFF WAVE files but can be adapted to output to a buffer or whatever Winamp's output plug-in API wants.
I tried it but it disappears instantly and I don't know where it saves to.
NotTheCommonDose wrote:
I tried it but it disappears instantly
If a program shows up with a black window that disappears within five frames, it's probably intended for use with the Windows command prompt.
18 shout.dmc shout.wav
[quote="tepples"][quote="NotTheCommonDose"]I tried it but it disappears instantly[/quote]
If a program shows up with a black window that disappears within five frames, it's probably intended for use with the Windows command prompt.
Usage: [b]18 shout.dmc shout.wav[/b][/quote]
I'll try it out later if I'm not too lazy.
By the way Disch, Unknowfile is working on your NoSoFatso NSF plugin for winamp here:
http://www.hcs64.com/mboard/forum.php5? ... howpage=30