Vakapp wrote:
I´m Felipe, from Playonretro. I had problems with other account. So sorry for delay. I just need files sounds the same that in NES. We are porting a NES game into SNES and we want to keep and original Skin with same music. Do you know the best way to do?
Thanks a gain and sorry for delay.
Interesting. As tepples pointed out, this largely depends on the instruments in the Famitracker file. The more Famitracker-specific features used, the more (manual) work that will be required. The formats are pretty different. There's definitely a tipping point where it would be less work to entirely convert it manually.
Does it use the DPCM channel? I wrote an NES sound emulator for SNES, it doesn't support DPCM channel though (but it wouldn't be terribly hard to add it). If that sounds like an option to you, you're certainly free to use it. I've previously released the code as public domain (disregard the readme.txt with the source, this is the "written permission" right here). Sound quality is far from perfect, the interpolation hits it pretty hard. It would sound better if it used larger samples played at higher frequencies, but I haven't gotten around to updating it in like.. uh, 16 years.