action 52 sound quality

This is an archive of a topic from NESdev BBS, taken in mid-October 2019 before a server upgrade.
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action 52 sound quality
by on (#14356)
this game has above average sound did they code it?

by on (#14358)
You mean the intro? They wrote to the $4011 register using cycle-timed code, doing that you can play a 7-bit sample at any frequency you code the delays for. It's normally not done because the timing requirements to make it sound clean are extremely strict.

The Skate or Die 2 title screen does the same thing while running other code, and the sample quality suffers a bit.

My Squeedo sound synth does a similar trick, but it gives the NES a sound IRQ (just 5 instructions long) and all the sample data is generated by a coprocessor on the cart, so the NES can keep doing it's thing. :)

by on (#14360)
But how many words can you make before the sun goes down?
by on (#14362)
thanks Memblers now i can program my new nsf for a new nes game.