I have a fairly working NSF emulator written in Go. Tested on mac and linux. Doesn't have a lot a features, and has a poor lowpass and no highpass, but it works. Comes with megaman 3 to demo.
Some docs to get it running: http://godoc.org/github.com/mjibson/mog/codec/nsf
Code: https://github.com/mjibson/mog/tree/master/codec/nsf
After port audio is installed
$ go test github.com/mjibson/mog/codec/nsf
Doesn't yet support: DMC, bankswitching.
Some docs to get it running: http://godoc.org/github.com/mjibson/mog/codec/nsf
Code: https://github.com/mjibson/mog/tree/master/codec/nsf
After port audio is installed
$ go test github.com/mjibson/mog/codec/nsf
Doesn't yet support: DMC, bankswitching.