FamiTracker: Compiling to NSF driver source trouble

This is an archive of a topic from NESdev BBS, taken in mid-October 2019 before a server upgrade.
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FamiTracker: Compiling to NSF driver source trouble
by on (#114875)
So, I tried following the instructions at http://forums.nesdev.com/viewtopic.php?t=6530, but I run into a strange problem.

After generating the .nsf file, I added it to my project, and the game didn't load properly. I went to the debugger, and realized that the nsf file had $2000 bytes of zeroes preceding it. I removed the zeroes in a hex editor, but it didn't work, because now the game just blasts white noise (yet is playable). Is there something I am missing?

Here is my nsf.cfg file:
            ZP:    start = $20,    size = $D0,    type = rw, file = "";
            RAM:    start = $500,    size = $200,    type = rw, file = "";
            HDR:    start = $7F80,    size = $80,    type = ro, file = %O;
            PRG:    start = $8000,    size = $40000,    type = rw, file = %O;

            ZEROPAGE:    load = ZP,  type = zp;
            BSS:       load = RAM, type = bss, define = yes;
            CODE:       load = PRG, type = rw, start = $A000;

I loaded it at $A000, init'd it at $A000, and played it at $A003

Thanks in advance.
Re: FamiTracker: Compiling to NSF driver source trouble
by on (#114882)
I created a more up-to-date guide here:

For the newer drivers, you'll probably want to add the following before you include driver.s:

Other than that, it should be straightforward unless there's bankswitching involved.
Re: FamiTracker: Compiling to NSF driver source trouble
by on (#114891)
rainwarrior wrote:
I created a more up-to-date guide here:

Hmm... that link doesn't work for me.
Re: FamiTracker: Compiling to NSF driver source trouble
by on (#114893)
I think famitracker.com has been having some problems, but try again later, it should load eventually.