pmlt wrote:
; ...RAM initialization...
jsr $A916 + $0A
Why call beginning of file, when you know that you need to call Init?($AA55)
No music plays. When I look at the memory using the FCEUX debugger, it looks like the content of no-header.nsf is stored at $C000 and not $A916...
How many PRG banks do you have in header, and are they 16kb or 8 kb banks?
NROM(Mapper #0) comes in 2 variants-16 kb and 32kb. If you use 16kb variant, then $8000-$BFFF gets mirrored to $C000-$FFFF
1) Is this a mapper issue? I'm using Mapper #0. I have to admit those things still confuse me a lot. What mapper should I use to play an NSF file?
Any mapper can play music. Unless you use a extra channels. If you do, you have to change mapper.
2) How can I tell which parts of RAM are used by the NSF music engine, and which parts are free for me to use for the rest of my program?
Look at RAM. You can also try to set breakcodes at one(or several)
APU registersSince I'm using it too, I'll just tell you:
It seems to be using 16 bytes of ZP,starting at $00 and whole page of $200.