Food Fight

This is an archive of a topic from NESdev BBS, taken in mid-October 2019 before a server upgrade.
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by on (#95223)
You said Food Fight?

Mmmm... an NES port of Food Fight with deathmatch. The original source code is online... and then the Atari 7800 will no longer have a single worthwhile game.

by on (#95235)
strat wrote:
Mmmm... an NES port of Food Fight with deathmatch. The original source code is online... and then the Atari 7800 will no longer have a single worthwhile game.

Actually, cheating a bit with DPC+ Food Fight could be back-ported to the Atari 2600. The graphics would have to be re-worked to only use one color per line but would be pretty similar. This is one instance where software collision would be needed as the Chefs and items would all share sprite 1.

by on (#95236)
That's less insane than porting Boulder Dash to an 80-dollar cartridge.

by on (#95240)
slobu wrote:
This is one instance where software collision would be needed as the Chefs and items would all share sprite 1.

But since sprite 1 would be multiplexed vertically, couldn't you just read and save the collision register after one object has finished drawing and reset the collisions before the next object starts? Then you'd have a list of collision values organized vertically, with one entry per row of objects, effectively allowing you to know on which row the collisions happened.

The only problem I see is if you multiplex sprite 1 horizontally as well, then you'd need some way to tell the copies apart.