qbradq wrote:
Like that other thread where the guy said he was uncomfortable giving his real name to folks on the forum, and then a few dicks wanted to show off how super-cool they were and find his real name. That's just being a dick, and is not constructive.
Eh. I'm not happy about what I posted in that thread, but I'm not unhappy about it either. I found his real name, but didn't post it. I was just trying to give some (admittedly heavy handed) advice. I saw what he posted as unprofessional, and he absolutely would not get what he wanted with what he had posted. I was not trying to be "super-cool", though, I assure you.
I have funny ideas about free freelance work.
I don't accept free direct help just because it's free. Applying for a creative "job" without a resume or portfolio is a waste of time for everyone involved. Friends of mine offer me help like that all the time. "Oooh, you're making an NES game? I'll make music for it for free." And I always say, "No, because I can't afford to pay you and I don't like the idea of people 'working' for free for me." But the real answer is usually also, "No, because I don't like the music you make." I'm extremely hard to please, so if I didn't like a song I'd make them fix it and I think all the fun and novelty of making music for an NES game would quickly disappear for them. Not to mention I anticipate they would have to work under rather harsh limitations imposed by my music engine. Just because I'm doing this for as a side thing, does not mean I don't want it to look and feel like like a totally professional product.
That's why I'd rather pay them. I'm paying for them to deal with my feedback and guidelines. I don't want to pay for a bad product. And I don't want a cop out like, "Well, I'm doing this for free, so take it or leave it." Because then we have BOTH wasted our time. I don't think that's a bad attitude, honestly. It's like people who buy things or get things just because they're on sale or free. And then it sits in their house and they never use it.
On the internet, it's easier. If samples are posted that I don't like, I ignore the post. But if they're not... I'm stuck in the odd position of seeming interested, by asking for them, and then not replying when they're posted and I don't like them.
Which is part of why I don't agree with "If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything."
If I posted something like doommaster did, I would MUCH MUCH MUCH rather have people say, "This style of music doesn't interest me." or "This music isn't practical for an NES game at all." than say nothing at all. If I didn't post samples, and someone told me that was why no one was replying, that's USEFUL. Much more useful than just no replies.
I realize what I tell my friends is dishonest. I'd honestly rather just tell them the truth, instead of being nice. "I don't like your music," will make them stop asking. What I say just makes them think they'll need to convince me that they're really okay with working for free. I hate that people (myself definitely included) are that uncomfortable with telling the truth because they're afraid of hurting someone's feelings. Especially in what could be considered a professional setting. "If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything." is perhaps the reason so little valuable critique is given these days.
Unsolicited is different, though. If someone's just posting info about their game, and someone comes in on a tirade about how that person will eventually make money from it, that's being a dick. If someone asks for feedback, and the feedback is "I won't buy this at all," that's fine. If someone asks me, "Do you like the food I made?" I will usually give an honest answer. But I'm not going to tell someone I don't like it, if they don't specifically ask me.
I see threads like this on other forums.
Poster 1: "Here's a T-shirt design. Will you buy it?"
Poster 2: "Looks great."
Poster 1: "I don't care if you think it looks great. Does it look great enough for you to
buy it?"
Poster 2: "Well... no."
So. "Don't be a dick." is fine. You can say something someone might consider, "not nice." without being a dick. Did I succeed at not being a dick in the topic you mentioned? Probably not. I tried not to be one though.
As for Blargg. It is like when Q(uietust) left. I am sure we will move passed it. The things he contributed were very valuable, but if he does not come back someone else will likely fill his shoes.