Top 25 Killer Apps for the NES Powerpak

This is an archive of a topic from NESdev BBS, taken in mid-October 2019 before a server upgrade.
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Top 25 Killer Apps for the NES Powerpak
by on (#73072)
Over the past several months I've been preparing a list of the top 25 essential games for Retrozone's NES Powerpak. Why 25? Seemed like a good number. The only qualification would be that the games must work with the latest powerpak mappers and must not include any commercially available NES games.

After extensive play testing, I feel I've come up with a pretty good list. Check it out! ... -apps-nes/

Let me know what you guys think and feel free to drop any further recommendations.

by on (#73092)
Very interesting. I'm most interested in rom hacks from asm sources, like with Mario.

Does Extra Mario Bros. work with the powerpack?

Also, you didn't link to Gradius I + II improvement patches. They can be found somewhere on this page:

I think a more direct link to Gradius II's patch is here:グラディウスIIAC%20Death%201.0/グラディウス

(Sorry, can't get URL tags to work. Just copy/paste the link. I don't envy those without Japanese fonts on their computer...)

Edit: I can't get it to patch... I don't know why not. Oh well.

by on (#73096)
Extra Mario bros. does work on the powerpak and was on my short list of candidates but didn't quite make it in because I feel the game is too confusing for its own good. In a few days I plan on writing a list for runners up and discussing Extra Super Mario Bros.

Thanks for the Gradius links. I'll edit in the info as I see fit.

by on (#73100)
if u include hacks and transations you should include the mapper conversion of Splatterhouse: Wanpaku Graffiti that allows it to be played on the powerpac

by on (#73114)
that's the Namcot SD splatterhouse isn't it? Do you have a link to the mapper hack? I just might include it.

by on (#73115)
http://ninjagaiden4.thegaminguniverse.c ... apper.html

its was made by board regular MottZilla I find it very fun and am glad he went through the trouble. I think I was playing with the Sunsoft FME-7 version put I can't find that, mmc3 should be better for most people anyway since its more common.

by on (#73120)
I updated the list slightly to remove Micky Mania 7 because it doesn't work and replaced it with the worth Ganbare Goemon 2. check it out!

by on (#73159)
- For some reason, I couldn't get the game (Gradius II) working, it's glitched. I used Lunar IPS + japanese version of the game.

by on (#73165)
I dunno where you doanloaded it from, but I have the correct version. email me if you'd like it.

by on (#73170)
SatoshiMatrix wrote:
I dunno where you doanloaded it from, but I have the correct version. email me if you'd like it.

- The IPS was downloaded from the author's website.
- The game CRC is 5ADBF660h.

by on (#73171)
what did you try playing it on? I tested my copy with the powerpak and was able to completely play though the entire game.