I know that we all have a "thing" for older platform and some people may not even looks at more recent games because of our hobby but some of us do and try them once in a while
I really want to try the new Castlevania but somehow, I don't know, my opinion about it is split. Visually it look nice and seems to have potential but many aspect of the game mechanic are reflected from games like God of war or Shadow of the collosus. Put on the line that the music doesn't sound any like the previous Castlevania, that it was made by a studio outside Japan and it doesn't look or feel like any of the Castlevania from the past (pre Symphony of the night.. Some people thing that this is how Castlevania started but I disagree). It seems to miss some of the "japansese style" from it completely (musically and visually).
I want to like it and want to try but is it just me that feel that way? It seems something is missing, style wise. If you would remove the name Castlevania from it then I guess I would see as just a new action game.
Anybody tried it yet? It seems the demo doesn't do justice. It's not out in japan so only "imports" are available (feel strange to say that each time).
I actually just started playing it a few days ago.
I would not call is very Castlevaniay at all, it plays very much like god of war sept game play dose not flow very well. The narration by Captain Picard dose not really belong with the game, it seems to be more slapped in as an afterthought and can be quite tedious. Storyline wise there is a great deal of dialog in order to say very little. Over all not very great but playable, very much a generic hero/knight style game. Might pick up more in chapter 2 I guess I'll see.
I haven't played it as I don't have any of the system it's developped for (X360, PS3).
However, I'm very positive about modern Castlevania games. I loved all PS2 and DS CV games as much as I loved the CV3 and SCV4 - in fact I feel CV is one of the rare series that is just as good as it was in its early days.
I generally agree with Bregalad but in this case it was mediocre, kinda like Judgment.
edit: its getting a little better as I go, might turn out to be ok.
I haven't played it or even heard about it actually, but man, that's disappointing (but I guess not too surprising) that Konami would outsource Castlevania. I always thought that was a big part of it's charm, being an obviously Japanese game in style, but with a setting that was distinctly non-Japanese. And the end credits in the first game never stop being hilarious.. music by James Banana?
Konami outsourced Contra 4 to Wayforward Technologies, and Virt's Contra remix finally ended up in a commercial game.
I'll play it when my roommate gets it back. In the meantime, Sonic 4 rules and is a must play if you were into the Megadrive Sonics.
strat wrote:
Sonic 4 rules
It might be weird that I'm the one to say this since I love the classic Sonic games so much, but Sonic 4 sucks. The physics are absolutely screwed up, that game has been very poorly programmed. I played it yesterday for an hour or so, and I don't plan on playing it again.
^ I watch some videos on it.....It seems like there's spring EVERYWHERE, Which IMO slows it down but it doesn't seem bad at all. Except for the animation thing in mid air, that seems like it was very cheaply programmed on somebodies lunch break.
But still.....If all game companies did this, it'd be awesome. So many games would be revived, I like the idea. I need to get the demo.
I bet it's not as bad as Medal Of Honor though. Just saying. MOH sucks. Thank god I didn't buy it!
tokumaru wrote:
strat wrote:
Sonic 4 rules
It might be weird that I'm the one to say this since I love the classic Sonic games so much, but Sonic 4 sucks. The physics are absolutely screwed up, that game has been very poorly programmed. I played it yesterday for an hour or so, and I don't plan on playing it again.
- Well, they couldn't replicate the 16-bit version, could they? I'd say Sonic 4 is cool, but right, the physics were changed: the spinning when jumping, the initial acceleration (from standstill to running) and the addition of the lock-on system (cool anyway). I'm playing it. Yes, there's a few oddities in the stages, but that's ok. ^_^;;
- Are they trying to do with CastleVania what they did with Sonic? Bringing a 2D atmosphere & design into a brand new 3D world? Perhaps. I didn't play the game (yet) and I barely gave a read on reviews, but I will.
Zepper wrote:
Are they trying to do with CastleVania what they did with Sonic? Bringing a 2D atmosphere & design into a brand new 3D world?
I cannot perceive any Castlevania elements in the game at all, outher than being set in the same time and traditional European monsters are the bad guys. The game is starting to grow on me bit but I just don't see any noteworthy elements preserved from previous Castlevania games existing in this title.
For now it doesn't feel like a Castlevania but I may give it a chance. But I'm more inclined to want to try Vanquish instead, which is an original game and quite frantic for the action. Can't wait that it comes out next week.
There is a bug in the game that kill your save game. It seems to happen on the last boss but I don't know if other people had the bug elsewhere. Konami is making a patch at the moment. I may wait before buying the game that they release the patch even thought I really want to try it. The other reason I wait is because the game is sold at 7000 yen (~86$ US) as in import so a little bit pricey.
Being a fan of Castlevania... I'm not too keen on this one, especially after watching Konami's conference at E3. And seeing that not only did they decide to outsource it, but it is a re-imagining of sorts for the series. Not to mention the fact, that it doesn't look as fresh or radical as one guy claimed it was at the conference.
I don't have any Wikipedia links for this controversy, but I do have TV Tropes links:
I decided to give the game a chance. It doesn't feel like castlevania yet except for the fact that you have a whip. The game by itself is good once you forget that they put the Castlevania name on it.
I think it was more of a marketing move to name it that way than anything else. If they would have tried to sell it as "Lords of shadow" only, as a new IP, it would have not fly much.
What I read is that they made some kind of internal "compo" for 6 month and the one with the better project was going to get the game thumbs up. There was a studio in the US, one in Europe (Mercury steam) and the one in Japan led by IGA (the guy that cannot stop making Metroidvania one after another..). After seeing the 3 projects, Konami was impressed by the project from Europe and Kojima got interest in it. The Europe studio already had a working game so I guess they were more serious than the other team. The one from japan... They only did a promo video in 6 month!
I want to find more information about it. I'm sure that more article and tidbits will come out.
As for good game these days, Vanquish is nice, worth a try.
Got it, finished it. A+ all the way, though a little slow to start.
Storywise, they did a fine job. The castle was suitably awesome. Gameplay felt a lot like Prince of Persia: Sands of Time, but with a lot better combat. It is amazingly pretty.
Some people are just cranky by nature I suppose =P
Didn't feel much like Castlevania to me. I have no desire to play it again. Didn't hate it but didn't love it. Boss fights were pretty neat.