I tried rigging a 3v 200ma DC adapter. I have misplaced my multimeter but that's what its labeled. The problem being when hook up to it, it dose not work properly it works almost right but when the wimote is turned to the left the camera eye stops functioning about half the time. I think it might be being overvolted or something idk but 3v should b correct and the supplied amperage is more than adequate. What should I do add a resistor or something?
edit: The specific adapter I am using came with a Microforce shaver. (btw not a very good shaver I would not listen to the infomercial)
edit2: dose anybody know the maximum amount of amperage the Wiimote draws at one time?
edit: apparently the mote uses less than 0.1a and I supposedly have 0.2a available so I guess thats not it? unless it dose draw more?
edit: The specific adapter I am using came with a Microforce shaver. (btw not a very good shaver I would not listen to the infomercial)
edit2: dose anybody know the maximum amount of amperage the Wiimote draws at one time?
edit: apparently the mote uses less than 0.1a and I supposedly have 0.2a available so I guess thats not it? unless it dose draw more?