So do you know any games (I most recommend to provide NES ones) where either the palette limitation or bad choice of it had made something creepy out of it?
The only example I have is the pirated NES game Darkseed. As if the original DOS game wasn't enough scary, now with 8-bit incomprehensible images along with putrid green palettes it's 80x creepier. Still gives me the shivers after watching (a) the only playthrough.
- Basically, all those Hong-Kong titles are awful. I remember of the worst NES game, Athena. ^_^;;
A bunch of the Action 52 games have atrocious palette choices.
koitsu wrote:
A bunch of the Action 52 games have atrocious palette choices.
Well, atrocious is one thing, but I'm talking about a completely different thing. For example, say you had to look at crap surrounded by other weird caricatures, except that all of the colors were black, $09, $0A, or $0B. In other words:
I don't know if I'd call any palette creepy. It's about the graphic design more than the color choices. Obviously yellow, red and blue are not as likely to be creepy as an olive gradient, but in that case we could just say that every dark gradient choice is bound to be creepy and leave it at that.
The creepiest moments I've experienced on the NES were in Maniac Mansion and King's Quest V, because I never knew when some horrifying person would show up and kill me or drag me off (like the witch in the forest in KQV). Magician seems to also have some creepiness to it, and the trio of first person adventures are all very creepy - Uninvited, Deja Vu, and Shadowgate.
WJYkK wrote:
koitsu wrote:
A bunch of the Action 52 games have atrocious palette choices.
Well, atrocious is one thing, but I'm talking about a completely different thing. For example, say you had to look at crap surrounded by other weird caricatures, except that all of the colors were black, $09, $0A, or $0B. In other words:
I understand what you mean, though I agree with UncleSpooky; it's the color choices.
[Fake signature removed]
Not exactly a "color" palette per say, but I find Donkey Kong Land on the GameBoy to look kind've creepy with it's 4 shade grayscale.
Athena may be bad, but Ultima Exodus is much worse, because it tricks you into thinking it has potential before you waste your life attempting to play it.