About the #nesdev IRC channel

This is an archive of a topic from NESdev BBS, taken in mid-October 2019 before a server upgrade.
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About the #nesdev IRC channel
by on (#46177)
I would like to discuss what we were talking about here:

http://nesdev.com/bbs/viewtopi ... 6157#46157

To be honest, there hasn't been anything in #nesdev that has turned me off from it, and I'm wondering what has been said about the channel as of late. The worst experience I had ended up being my fault (after reviewing the logs I keep). Seriously, I think the IRC channel is pretty damned kick ass compared to what I have heard of past episodes.

I just want to have a solid discussion about this, because if there is anything that people find wrong with the channel, we can work on it. I don't want #nesdev to feel intimidating to folks, because it shouldn't be like that. Almost all of my experiences in it have been positive, and I want to keep it like that for any new people that show up in there.

Discuss anything positive or negative about the channel; this could be a good learning experience for all of us that would like to guide future devvers!

by on (#46184)
#nesdev goes through waves of being casual and super techie. Currently it's a good mix of both. I can't see #nesdev turning out to be a channel of regulars that just talk about their mundane, bullshit lives constantly because if so it would have already. We get fresh, random-ass faces joining all the time that keep us locked in pedagogical conversations all the time; with the old-school devvers still hanging out there being helpful and courteous as usual. Currently the conversations last for hours just being hardware/software mindwanks between brilliant people almost every day.

(I remember a rather embarrassing moment in the past between blargg and I (which has no sore) that spurred unrest due to ideal differences of what people are generally worried about regarding #nesdev. But since it is an alive, welcoming, and educational community, as long as newbies and regulars aren't too excessive with the unnecessary it is treated as an icebreaking reality breather that we can all be comfortable together knowing we are humans and not simply the machines that we're commonly fascinated with.)

It's definitely not Q being the conversation/topic overlord of the past with little tolerance for the estrange with Kev silently calling the shots. (Even though having him back and helping us would be a great service whether or not we need him.)

I feel somewhat responsible for how the channel is now. I tried to make sure that the channel got what it didn't have before while keeping what good it used to have. I'm confident that I've achieved that. I also may not have had the knowledge to maintain intellectual conversation back when Q abandoned the channel, but trying to keep the community together and growing I kept learning a little bit every day to keep at least on the low tier of comfortable NESdev knowledge and also confidently say today that I can be an aid to those in need... especially when it comes to sound engineering.

I'm not offended and sorry for the TLDR;, but I love our community the way it is, was, and will be. We grow and change in ways generally good while remaining passionate in our shared nostalgia.