portable IDE?

This is an archive of a topic from NESdev BBS, taken in mid-October 2019 before a server upgrade.
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portable IDE?
by on (#44544)
Recently I'm aware of portability in programs... Any (free?) portable C++ IDE for GUI programs(wxWidget?)? And also, rather than using DirectX and DirectSound, anything portable that do basically this? (Allegro? SDL?)

Anything please and simple if possible, also thanks

by on (#44549)
I don't know if this helps, but Code:Blocks and Eclipse are both very good and free.

by on (#44552)
Very good, thanks. I'll take a look over Code::blocks

Sorry for the badly written first post, 'was late when I wrote this. I meant that there are several free cross-platform multi-media development API like SDL, Allegro and OpenGL. Which one would you recommend me? SDL seems great but it is unfortunately written in C and I have a slight preference for object-based-only code, but it seems very easy to use. What about the others? Also, these APIs seems to provide threads, will I have trouble mixing Boost::Threads with those API or it will be fine?

by on (#44555)
I have no experience with that, but I feel like OpenGL is very widespread arround. I bet a million Tepples will come here and mention allegro because he's a hardcode fan of it, but it's really less popular I guess.

by on (#44558)
Allegro is a software library that wraps DirectX or X11 or insert window system. OpenGL is a standard interface for calling hardware rendering routines. They actually complement each other, since Allegro doesn't support 3d hardware.

Allegro looks promising (started using it) but I haven't looked into SDL.

by on (#44629)
Bregalad wrote:
I have no experience with that, but I feel like OpenGL is very widespread arround. I bet a million Tepples will come here and mention allegro because he's a hardcode fan of it, but it's really less popular I guess.

Heh, so then I'll wait here for Tepples to answer ;)

by on (#44635)
I like SDL but if WinAPI and DirectX didn't have such steep learning curves I'd rather write my own wrappers.

by on (#44636)
I think they have such a steep learning curves because they are badly written, and MSDN is chaos

by on (#44638)
Both SDL and Allegro have libraries to connect to OpenGL. I just happened to learn Allegro because my first PC ran DOS, not Windows 95.