Bill Hicks on Rick Astley

This is an archive of a topic from NESdev BBS, taken in mid-October 2019 before a server upgrade.
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Bill Hicks on Rick Astley
by on (#40905)
Tired of being rickrolled? Pass this around.

This is >>NOT<< another rickroll trick!

by on (#40906)
Here's something from >>MY<< side: ^_^;;

by on (#40907)
Fx3 wrote:
Here's something from >>MY<< side: ^_^;;

No hablo portugués!

by on (#40909)
...and English isn't my motherlanguage. I can't fully understand spoken english. :)

by on (#40910)
Fx3 wrote:
...and English isn't my motherlanguage. I can't fully understand spoken english. :)

Yeah but you can speak english enough to get along, I speak no portuguese.

P.S. That chick in red is hot ;).