Emulation screenshots issue

This is an archive of a topic from NESdev BBS, taken in mid-October 2019 before a server upgrade.
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Emulation screenshots issue
by on (#39497)
- How bad is (legal terms) to put screenshots from emulated NES games into a website? Would I violate some copyright after all, assuming the images are not doctored?

by on (#39502)
I don't think it's a problem, as there are many, many sites with game screenshots. Trademark violation is possible, but even that seems more remote (more like using a trademarked character on the site's logo, or for endorsing something).

I'm no lawyer, but I guess it couldn't hurt to have a notice like "All copyrighted images and trademarks are properties of their respective owners".
Re: Emulation screenshots issue
by on (#39510)
Fx3 wrote:
- How bad is (legal terms) to put screenshots from emulated NES games into a website? Would I violate some copyright after all, assuming the images are not doctored?

In the United States, use of a game screenshot is generally considered a fair use of the work and therefore not an infringement of copyright. I know nothing about law in Brazil (other than that it has extraordinarily high import tariffs), so check your local statutes and case law and see a lawyer if you still have questions.
Re: Emulation screenshots issue
by on (#39521)
tepples wrote:
In the United States, use of a game screenshot is generally considered a fair use of the work and therefore not an infringement of copyright. I know nothing about law in Brazil

Then he should probably follow the US laws, because the people who made the games (and would be the ones to sue him) probably don't know anything about laws in Brazil either.

Anyway, around here, only now they are starting to take actual measures to prevent the piracy of music and movies, so I doubt screenshots are of any concern.