Crappy thing. Toshiba.

This is an archive of a topic from NESdev BBS, taken in mid-October 2019 before a server upgrade.
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Crappy thing. Toshiba.
by on (#39096)
Earlier in some thread I mentioned My laptop.
It's a Toshiba Satellite 3000-S353.
I downloaded the latest BIOS.
The executable requires you to install it to a disc in drive A.
I think it's pretty stupid. The stock model doesn't have a floppy drive.
I understand the Bios won't detect a flash drive or anything but...
I dunno. It's lame.

Anyway, Does anyone know an AMD equivalent to the Pentium III CPU that I can shove into there?
I'm planning on upgrading this thing for the hell of it.
Also I'd like to find a better heatsink.
If anyone would help me out, I'd appreciate it.

Also, Is this really a100 gigabyte Hard drive?
I haven't seen it on any other website, plus that site mentions
Impact wrote:
"... with this new 10.0GB Hard Drive."
I don't know if that was a typo or what. I've wondered it for a few months.

by on (#39104)
Wikipedia says Pentium III came on Slot 1 (nothing to do with DS) and Socket 370. It doesn't mention any AMD CPUs that came in those form factors; it appears that AMD stopped using Intel-compatible sockets around when the original Athlon came out. But there are a VIA and a Cyrix. So unfortunately, you might need a new computer.

by on (#39245)
tepples wrote:
Wikipedia says Pentium III came on Slot 1 (nothing to do with DS) and Socket 370. It doesn't mention any AMD CPUs that came in those form factors; it appears that AMD stopped using Intel-compatible sockets around when the original Athlon came out. But there are a VIA and a Cyrix. So unfortunately, you might need a new computer.

Yeah, My CPU is fine. (I don't like Intel too much though)
Thanks for the info. I took a look at the socket. It was like nothing I've ever seen. The whole CPU was covered in pins. It didn't look anything like socket 370. Hmm... The reason is probably 'cause it's a portable version of the CPU. It was weird.

While were on the subject about CPU's.
I just saw this funny picture of some misapplied thermal grease.
Source of Pic