Does anyone know person who runs RetroZone?

This is an archive of a topic from NESdev BBS, taken in mid-October 2019 before a server upgrade.
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Does anyone know person who runs RetroZone?
by on (#32703)
I was just wondering if anyone personally knows the person who operates retrozone?

I really wanted to try out his other products but I can't get any contact via e-mail, the phone number on his PayPal account is not in service.

If anyone knows how I can get in contact with the owner, or if anyone could pass this on to him it would be greatly appreciated.

(I know there could very well have been a problem with e-mail. I thought maybe I'd try posting here in a last ditch effort.) Not at all meant as a complaint or smear.

Thanks in advance for any help anyone can offer.

Thanks again,

by on (#32707)
this is him on this page ... file&u=228 I guess you could try PMing him
You might want to try disputeing in paypal wile you still can if your not getting your item or any contact

by on (#32708)
Thank you, I appreciate that.

I did try to contact through PayPal last week after I thought maybe for some reason my e-mail was being filtered. But that was only as an option to contact him, not as a complaint.

Thanks again,

by on (#32709)
I have ordered from him a few times in the past and I am surprised you are having this problem.

Although the true sign of a good seller is how they handle things when things go wrong and I have not had that experience so I would not know. I would hope this is not typical of him

by on (#32711)
Yeah, I know how mistakes can happen, e-mail problems, etc.

Hopefully I'll hear something back soon.

Thanks again.


by on (#32719)
Have you tried setting up a different email provider, in case yours is blocking his email for some reason?

by on (#32721)
bunnyboy blocks atleast one or two of hotmail, yahoo, aol, juno, netzero(?), gmail *.ru

in addition he filters his mail due to receiving massive amounts of spam + legit mail.

Unless you have an email account with a paid internet service provider other than America Online or have your own hosted pop3 server, it is highly possible he accidentally is weeding out your emails due to the advertisement that appears in the footer of each email sent by any of those mailers i listed.

i suggest just sending an email using something that does not display ads in the bottom of every email you send, or else pay the extra cash to have the ads removed and see if that helps.

remember bunny boy is on spring break right now, and the shop may very well be unmanned right now due to holiday.


remember i did get banned from #NESdev on EFnet for telling about my vision in which BunnyBoy died during Winter Break,

remember, visions are almost never completely accurate.

so he could have gotten in an accident this spring break instead or had a family emergency or something.

my visions usually pan out eventually.

but sometimes that takes between 2 weeks and 10 years.


best suggestion is to send BunnyBoy a pm with your contact info on this board, however remember, phpbb is easily hacked to crap, so be conservative about what information you share.

also remember, this board does not take responsibility if someone scrapes your email from the database and ends up sending you fake emails from bunnyboy's actual email address. as anyone can outbound using any email address.

just be sure to view full header for the info to view the trace info in order to get a better idea where it originated from.

if you are able to contact him on here, most likely he will put the email you give him on the exception list so that it won't be blocked nor sent in the spam folder automatically.


this reply is mostly to serve an example on how to reach someone, as this response is obviously obsolete to the original date of creation of this thread. (24hrs)

best advice, when you make a claim like this, be sure to follow up later in the thread so it doesn't look like the retailer is an asshole.

by on (#32731)

I sent my e-mail using my optonline (optimum online) paid, no ads account. I know this was probably just a weird communication problem.

My post was not at all meant to be a smear or anything like that, just a friendly last option to try to contact. He has great products and no one else has ever had a problem. (Not at all angry, just anxious to buy stuff).

It'll pan out to be just an e-mail/communication issue, (I know how this stuff can easily happen, no blame.)

I did send a PM, so I'll definitely post again when it's resolved.

Thanks again for the help.