Sega CD

This is an archive of a topic from NESdev BBS, taken in mid-October 2019 before a server upgrade.
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Sega CD
by on (#30531)
Sorry to bother you with non-NES jibba jabba, but this is the only forum I know of that seems to know stuff from a technical standpoint (if you know of any Sega/Genesis tech forums, let me know). I want to buy a Sega CD to complement my Genesis 2 and 32X, but all the ones I find on eBay are either CIB/MINT or sealed, part of a lot, or are listed as "broken" or are in somewhat shady condition. Is that metal RF plate necessary for proper operation? or is it like the metal prongs on the 32X that don't really do anything? What items should I look for in a Sega CD auction to know that its working/complete/good to go? Its too much expense and trouble to buy a broken or incomplete Sega CD, so I might as well buy one with everything I need that has been tested to work.
Re: Sega CD
by on (#30532)
17daysolderthannes wrote:
Is that metal RF plate necessary for proper operation? or is it like the metal prongs on the 32X that don't really do anything?

Probably not, unless you're actually using RF output. My Sega CD came without the plate, and it looks fine with AV cables (and even better through the 32X--it seems to have a higher-quality video encoder than the Genesis).

by on (#30538)
I'm quite certain it has nothing to do with RF, it exists to secure the consoles together.

by on (#30552)
kyuusaku wrote:
I'm quite certain it has nothing to do with RF, it exists to secure the consoles together.

so its not needed in other words? It always seems to be missing unless its a CIB item.

by on (#30557)
It's not needed if you don't mind the Genesis not being securely fastened. I've never used it since IIRC you have to screw it in and I've seen it scratch the plastic.

by on (#30583)
kyuusaku wrote:
I'm quite certain it has nothing to do with RF, it exists to secure the consoles together.

It *does* connect the RF shielding in the two units together, though. I verified this after examining a friend's setup that did have the plate. I remember getting really crappy RF output when my Sega CD was connected (fuzzy, lots of lines) until I hacked a "plate" together out of aluminum foil. :P