Why are some games so-called incredibly hard ?

This is an archive of a topic from NESdev BBS, taken in mid-October 2019 before a server upgrade.
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Why are some games so-called incredibly hard ?
by on (#27462)
I mean I cannot remember how many times I read on the net that some NES games are hard and almost impossible, while I consider myself not a very good gamer, especially when it comes to action games, I can still laugh at people saying those games are incredibly hard.

Mega Man : Everyone say it is very hard for some reason, but I finished the game many times myself. Maybe its in fact one of the only Mega Man games I finished many times without cheating. Everyone say those gut's man platforms make the game impossible. But once you undersand how they work, I can almost pass them with the eyes closed. I mean come on this doesn't make the game hard. And all bosses are very easy, depsite the enemy in the room straight before them.

Mega Man 2 : Everyone complains about the Quick Man's lazers to be hard. Maybe it's impressive the first time, but once you get the trick they are easy, and this game is even easier than MM1 is (at least for me who isn't a good action gamer). Why people keep saying it is hard ? On the other hand MM3 is a lot more difficult and nobody seem to mention it. Even MM4-6 are more difficult that this.

Contra : Contra IS hard the first time, but with practice even I could finish the game, and that without using the 30 lives code everyone has been using a lot. Once you get all tricks and all, the game isn't that hard any longer.

Battletoads : Okay, this game IS hard, but a lot people complain about level 3's bike, while I say they are hard the first time, once you get the trick, you can pass them without much problem, exept maybe the final section which get incredibly fast, but still, passing it isn't that hard. The Ice cavern after it is also mentionned to be hard The game gets insane, but later than most people seem to menition (from level 6 on I think).

On the other hand there is many games I consider myself incredibly hard (SMB, SMB3, MM3 and +, Donkey Kong Country, Fire Emblem on the GBA) and that most people mention having finished it just like it would be a normal task. Am I the only bothered by this ?

by on (#27466)
Most games just need some time & practice. You know that whole Metroid wall-jump thing? *mastered*

by on (#27468)
we all have verious skill due to the way are mind in paticular works and what we had the most practase in I find smb 1-sunshine onley somewhat difficult mainley because I played a lot of them

now there is one "game" witch is very very hard and its

Luigi and the Christmas Quest (Final) (SMB1 Hack).zip

I do not know if its even possiple to beat

also you must take into consideration that a lot of people on the internet like to pretend they are the hottest shit ever and that insert popular game here is no challinge at all

by on (#27469)
This is incredibly hard
If anyone has info on were to get the hack I would be interested.

by on (#27470)
NotTheCommonDose wrote:
If anyone has info on were to get the hack I would be interested.

I think I put it on my powerpak, not sure. Name is Super Mario Forever IIRC

by on (#27471)
Where is it obtainable? it looks impossible from the funny video.

by on (#27473)
Have you got 300 lines on Nintendo Tetris? Now that's incredibly hard.

by on (#27476)
Games that cause blinking on the NES are hard.

by on (#27486)
tepples wrote:
Have you got 300 lines on Nintendo Tetris? Now that's incredibly hard.

Yes.. and perhaps much more than that while playing Tengen Tetris.

by on (#27509)
atari2600a wrote:
Most games just need some time & practice. You know that whole Metroid wall-jump thing? *mastered*

Definitely, but you lost your time to master one of the worst games ever released on the console, and one of the game who have the worst control of all times (only predecessed by AD&D Heroes of the Lance, also for the NES).
I don't mind games that are hard because of hard controls, but games that actually are hard. I found SMB (not hack the original one) very hard, while most people seems to talk like they master it. On the other hand I found Mega Man 1 easy and most people say it's impossible. Maybe it's just one quesion of habbit, I play Mega Man games much more often than SMB games for mainly personal tastes and the results show in practice.

by on (#27512)
narc was a hard game. i don't think i ever got past the 2nd or 3rd level.

castlevania is another one that takes some practice. simon's quest and dracula's curse were alot easier for me.

Contra : Contra IS hard the first time...

Super C gets rugged in the last couple levels. i especially hated the one where you gotta climb your way up the floating rock platforms.

atari2600a wrote:
Most games just need some time & practice. You know that whole Metroid wall-jump thing? *mastered*

:shock: i didn't know you could wall jump in metroid.
The Soviet Mind Game
by on (#27513)
Fx3 wrote:
tepples wrote:
Have you got 300 lines on Nintendo Tetris? Now that's incredibly hard.


Screenshot or it didn't happen. (Hint: In Tetris, 290 lines is when the gravity, or downward speed, becomes six times as fast as the DAS, or sideways speed.) But if you really are that good at Tetris, we at the TC forum want you.

and perhaps much more than that while playing Tengen Tetris.

Tetяis speeds up much more slowly than Tetris does, and according to Ed Logg, programmer of Tetяis, apparently this was intentional.

But can you beat Tetris without being able to see the blocks?

And can you beat the 10 foot songs on Dance Dance Revolution?

by on (#27514)
Bregalad wrote:
atari2600a wrote:
Most games just need some time & practice. You know that whole Metroid wall-jump thing? *mastered*

Definitely, but you lost your time to master one of the worst games ever released on the console, and one of the game who have the worst control of all times

I always liked the controlls of nes metroid they do not seem difficult of clumsy to me.

The controls I hate is how Nintendo maps all their legacy controls wrong

For example on the DS GBA A should be the actual B button and B should be Y, The same goes for the “classic” remote witch is only half good for SNES games

Dose anyboady else hate this am much as me?

by on (#27515)
peppers wrote:
The controls I hate is how Nintendo maps all their legacy controls wrong
Dose anyboady else hate this am much as me?

mario kart 64 on the vc pisses me off for that reason.

by on (#27521)
never-obsolete wrote:
:shock: i didn't know you could wall jump in metroid.

Hmm...maybe I'm thinking of Super Metroid...

Oh, & I understand the difficulty of Metroid, especially compared to the FDS version, but I wouldn't call it *bad*...

by on (#27522)
I would like to play Super Mario Forever IIRC. but I can't find it :?

by on (#27539)
atari2600a wrote:
never-obsolete wrote:
:shock: i didn't know you could wall jump in metroid.

Oh, & I understand the difficulty of Metroid, especially compared to the FDS version, but I wouldn't call it *bad*...

Agreed, it's not bad, but horrible (and that applies to both the NES and FDS version, as I tested both of them).
Now seriously, I can understand that someone plays this game, but I cannot understand they play it a second time and actually cares to call it good... I mean the game looks and sound ugly and is terrible to control and it's impossible to not get lost if you don't map the game. Even if you do, when you loose, you'll be back in an almost dead state. So the option is to not die, but it's obviously incredibly hard.
Super Metroid was WAAAY better thanks god. I'm not a fan either, but at least they managed to make a decent game. That said, everyone is free to like the game they want to, I just cannot understand how someone may like games as bad as the original Metroid, but it seems many people can. On the other hand, many people don't see how I can like 2D games better than 3D ones, and why I like only RPGs, while many people found them boring.

For example on the DS GBA A should be the actual B button and B should be Y, The same goes for the “classic” remote witch is only half good for SNES games

Is the DS control deck like the SNES one, but they still map A button to A and B button to B ? Because most NES games have A=Jump and B=Attack, but on the SNES is become B=Jump and Y=Attack (in fact the name changes, but the buttons stay on the same place). Is is still the case with the DS ? Anyway, the problem is gone as long as you still have a GBA.
castlevania is another one that takes some practice. simon's quest and dracula's curse were alot easier for me.

Yes Castlevania isn't too hard until you meet with the Death. Then it suddentely become absolutely impossible unless you have the bomb weapon, which for some reason is unacessible in this area, so if you did lost your bomb or if you fail one you're screwed and have to restart all over again.
Simon's Quest can be the easiest game of all time if you have a walktrough (or if you have had one), or the hardest if you don't have any and try to make sense of the NPC's messages.
Dracula's Curse is just fine in difficulty unless you reach some of the latter stages, then it becomes incredibly hard (especially in the non-japanese verison, where you have to do the last stage all over again on each loss against Dracula, I don't know how people managed to pass this without savestates !)
BTW SCV4 is a lot easier than everything else until one particular stage (8), then is becomes HARD ! I often don't loose a single live (or only one or two) until stage 7.

PS : How could that fatty plumber win against the great Magus on GameFaqs ? It's not possible, someone SHOULD have passed his day to send polls for him using a thousand of different IP adresses. He should be banned to the character conquest, he's number one each years anyway, even worse than Brazil in soccer (sarcasm).

by on (#27541)
Bregalad wrote:

For example on the DS GBA A should be the actual B button and B should be Y, The same goes for the “classic” remote witch is only half good for SNES games

Is the DS control deck like the SNES one, but they still map A button to A and B button to B ? Because most NES games have A=Jump and B=Attack, but on the SNES is become B=Jump and Y=Attack (in fact the name changes, but the buttons stay on the same place). Is is still the case with the DS ?

The first part is correct its like the super NES controller sept they mapped A to A and B to B this is also true on the Wii, this is not the only bad button mapping Nintendo has done for there reproduced games but its the ones witch annoy me the most

to clearify

Anyway, the problem is gone as long as you still have a GBA.

I dont want to carry around two devises simpley because the company is makeing a dumb mistake also the DS light screen is WAY nicer than the GBA

I belive they did it on purpose to sell the micro for this reason I boycoted it and for this reason its the onley western sold Nintendo system I do not own

by on (#27543)
Bregalad wrote:
Is the DS control deck like the SNES one, but they still map A button to A and B button to B ? Because most NES games have A=Jump and B=Attack, but on the SNES is become B=Jump and Y=Attack (in fact the name changes, but the buttons stay on the same place). Is is still the case with the DS ? Anyway, the problem is gone as long as you still have a GBA.

In the NES and GBA, A and B are buttons 0 and 1. In the Super NES, B and Y are buttons 0 and 1, and A and X are buttons 8 and 9. In the DS, A and B are buttons 0 and 1, and X and Y are buttons 16 and 17.

by on (#27547)
I know those around here are not nessaserally DS experts but there have been firmware hacks witch do things like disable the warning screen, shut off RSA security, and redirect DS mode Boot to slot 2 in order to use gba flash carts in DS mode for homebrew and such

would it be possiple to alter the FW to fix this button problem?

by on (#27562)
NotTheCommonDose wrote:
I would like to play Super Mario Forever IIRC. but I can't find it :?

because you are searching for "Super Mario Forever IIRC" when you should be searching for "Super Mario Forever." IIRC means "If I recall correctly."

As for the GBA->DS stuff, probably the #1 reason A is mapped to A and B is mapped to B regardless of pure hardware reasons (as posted above) is the sheer fact that consumers would be confused if they just mapped the buttons to B and Y instead. Imagine a kid with a DS trying to play a GBA game and being instructed by the game to "push A" and him mashing it furiously and wondering why it isn't working, to then proclaim his DS "broken" and his parents want to exchange it because they don't know any better, leading Nintendo to have to deal with tons of perfectly fine returned DS units. Now I think you can see why A is mapped to A and B to B. I bet people get on forums all the time over the Yobo FC twin because you use the B and Y buttons to play the NES games and idiots don't pay attention (since I'm sure it says on the box somewhere).

As for hard games, most of the games on the NES are hard solely because they are unfair one way or another. Yo Noid! is actually quite easy but if you get touched once you have to start the level over, making it difficult until you master the level. Contra is hard because you have to kill bad guy upon bad guy and are only allowed a couple hits and its game over. Almost all NES games are either really easy or really hard, I have found very few that strike a genuine balance between the two.
Re: The Soviet Mind Game
by on (#27563)
tepples wrote:

that is absolutely ridiculous, the only way that is conceivably possible is if he memorized the generation order of all of the blocks and then determined the optimized way to fit them together for the maximum amount of tetrises (tetri?).

by on (#27567)
Tetriminos It's called and I have gotten like 300 or so lines on the Nintendo version. You want Super Mario Foreve? A great thing to do while in a traffic jam! http://files.filefront.com/Super+Mario+ ... einfo.html
Re: The Soviet Mind Game
by on (#27573)
17daysolderthannes wrote:
the only way that is conceivably possible is if he memorized the generation order of all of the blocks and then determined the optimized way to fit them together for the maximum amount of tetrises (tetri?).

This game is called Terror-Instinct, and it has a few features that you may not be familiar with that let people play that fast:
  • Semipredictable randomizer: Rarely does the game give you two of the same piece in a span of four pieces. Details
  • Three previews, instead of one on Tetяis, Tetris, and Tetramino for NES.
  • Initial rotation: Hold a rotation button (mapped to the punch buttons) as the piece comes out, and it'll start out rotated in that direction. Details
  • Hold piece: If you hold the hold button (mapped to weak kick) while a piece comes out, or if you press the hold button while the piece is falling, it is swapped with the piece at the top left corner. (The hold box blinks gray when you do that.) Details
Re: The Soviet Mind Game
by on (#27588)
tepples wrote:
17daysolderthannes wrote:
the only way that is conceivably possible is if he memorized the generation order of all of the blocks and then determined the optimized way to fit them together for the maximum amount of tetrises (tetri?).

This game is called Terror-Instinct, and it has a few features that you may not be familiar with that let people play that fast:
  • Semipredictable randomizer: Rarely does the game give you two of the same piece in a span of four pieces. Details
  • Three previews, instead of one on Tetяis, Tetris, and Tetramino for NES.
  • Initial rotation: Hold a rotation button (mapped to the punch buttons) as the piece comes out, and it'll start out rotated in that direction. Details
  • Hold piece: If you hold the hold button (mapped to weak kick) while a piece comes out, or if you press the hold button while the piece is falling, it is swapped with the piece at the top left corner. (The hold box blinks gray when you do that.) Details

while all of that definitely makes a big difference (and why comparing results from one version of tetris to another is obviously a moot point) thats still one impressively quick response time. He must play purely by looking at his pieces coming up and just looking at the actual stack out of the corner of his eye.

by on (#27594)
Well, I guess the DS controls are definitely good for RPGs, where you still want A to be mapped to A and B to be mapped to B, but bad for action games, where you want A to be mapped to B and B being mapped to Y.
They could have mapped Y to A and X to B also or something so that the controls are more flexible. And a lot play games emulated, where they will be told to press A or B buttons, but in fact those correspond to keyboard letters completely different. Also I bet there is some games that were oficially ported from one platform to another and that such instruction were accidently left.
As for hard games, most of the games on the NES are hard solely because they are unfair one way or another. Yo Noid! is actually quite easy but if you get touched once you have to start the level over, making it difficult until you master the level. Contra is hard because you have to kill bad guy upon bad guy and are only allowed a couple hits and its game over. Almost all NES games are either really easy or really hard, I have found very few that strike a genuine balance between the two.

Well I don't know many too easy NES games, exept maybe Kirby's Adventure (outside of bosses), Mega Man 2, and maybe Felix the Cat too.
Contra is definitely right in difficulty (not too hard nor too easy) I have beaten it without cheating (maybe using a PAL console that is about 16% slower makes it easier) and I'm not a good gamer at all (exept on a few RPGs maybe). You just have to find the 'S' weapon alive, and then the game suddently become MUCH easier. Just shoot everyone before they shoot you, and you'll be fine. The base stage tends to be annoying (especially the second one), but aside of that the game is really not hard.

by on (#27602)
Bregalad wrote:
Well, I guess the DS controls are definitely good for RPGs, where you still want A to be mapped to A and B to be mapped to B, but bad for action games, where you want A to be mapped to B and B being mapped to Y.
They could have mapped Y to A and X to B also or something so that the controls are more flexible. And a lot play games emulated, where they will be told to press A or B buttons, but in fact those correspond to keyboard letters completely different. Also I bet there is some games that were oficially ported from one platform to another and that such instruction were accidently left.
As for hard games, most of the games on the NES are hard solely because they are unfair one way or another. Yo Noid! is actually quite easy but if you get touched once you have to start the level over, making it difficult until you master the level. Contra is hard because you have to kill bad guy upon bad guy and are only allowed a couple hits and its game over. Almost all NES games are either really easy or really hard, I have found very few that strike a genuine balance between the two.

Well I don't know many too easy NES games, exept maybe Kirby's Adventure (outside of bosses), Mega Man 2, and maybe Felix the Cat too.
Contra is definitely right in difficulty (not too hard nor too easy) I have beaten it without cheating (maybe using a PAL console that is about 16% slower makes it easier) and I'm not a good gamer at all (exept on a few RPGs maybe). You just have to find the 'S' weapon alive, and then the game suddently become MUCH easier. Just shoot everyone before they shoot you, and you'll be fine. The base stage tends to be annoying (especially the second one), but aside of that the game is really not hard.

After playing lots of "Rush N Attack," Contra is starting to seem like a walk in the park. After all, its almost the same game just contra you get a gun (and some badass ones at that) and Rush N Attack you are expected to take down an entire army with a freakin knife. Mega Man 2 isn't SUPER easy, especially if you don't know which weapon to use against what boss/enemy. If you are refering to difficulty in terms of "Game Over," Mega Man 2 is cake since you can continue infinitely and start with like 3 lives and a long power bar. Although, I think most NES games should let you have inifinite continues, why should you have to replay the same levels again just to get 2 steps farther and die again?

by on (#27608)
17daysolderthannes wrote:
why should you have to replay the same levels again just to get 2 steps farther and die again?

replay value :)

by on (#27610)
- Tengen Tetris. There's 10 different levels and you loop to the 1st. I remember to have reached around 2 loops. The stats at right had all the collums at the top. ^_^;;

- Yes, the "original" Tetris is really insane, though. High levels increases the speed drastically, heh :)

by on (#27611)
17daysolderthannes wrote:
Mega Man 2 isn't SUPER easy, especially if you don't know which weapon to use against what boss/enemy. If you are refering to difficulty in terms of "Game Over," Mega Man 2 is cake since you can continue infinitely and start with like 3 lives and a long power bar. Although, I think most NES games should let you have inifinite continues, why should you have to replay the same levels again just to get 2 steps farther and die again?

Why would you loose 3 lives while playing Mega Man ? You'll gain so many lives before loosing the original 3 that if you get game over you really isn't good (exept if you're playing for the first time of course). Yes. a few bosses if you use the wrong weapon (Crashman and Heatman comes in mind) can be a pain. But compared to other NES games of the same time area, Mega Man 2 is incredibly easier than anything else that comes up (it's still a great game neverthless). Also there is a place where you are forced to loose a live, but does it make the game hard ?
And yes, I have unlimited continues (or at least severly limited continues). On the other hand, games where you are just continuing the quest no matter how many times you die like Wizard and Warriors tends to be a bit bland, as it doesn't matter how much you get hurt.

by on (#27616)
Bregalad wrote:
On the other hand, games where you are just continuing the quest no matter how many times you die like Wizard and Warriors tends to be a bit bland, as it doesn't matter how much you get hurt.

That's why the three Zelda games I've played count continues, and so does Tetris Attack.

by on (#27617)
Bregalad wrote:
Also there is a place where you are forced to loose a live, but does it make the game hard ?

This is one thing I dislike about the Mega Man games... sometimes you are forced to get hurt, or even loose a life. I still like the Mega Man series (although I do find it hard!), but I don't think a game should require you to get hurt. It should be possible to beat levels perfectly, without a single hit, so that you can aim at perfection. Maybe those guys that make tool-assisted speedruns can do it? Or maybe only I suck at it! =)

by on (#27618)
You have to get hurt in the first level of Mega Man X. Otherwise, the first boss does not stop fighting you.

by on (#27621)
The only NES Mega Man game I know where you're forced to get hurt is MM2, once in Metal Man stages with those little things that comes up from behind the background (but you can kill them to have them often drop energy caps to restore your life back), (and they also pop up in Wily stage 2) and in the boss battle in Wily stage 4, where you have to destroy half of the cannons, get killed, refill the energy of the Crash bomb weapon and get there back.
And Mega Man games are much less hard than all Mario, Contra, Gardius, Sonic and etc.. games I found myself (even if the first Contra isn't really hard, Super C and the others are).

by on (#27715)
Bregalad wrote:
The only NES Mega Man game I know where you're forced to get hurt is MM2, once in Metal Man stages with those little things that comes up from behind the background (but you can kill them to have them often drop energy caps to restore your life back), (and they also pop up in Wily stage 2) and in the boss battle in Wily stage 4, where you have to destroy half of the cannons, get killed, refill the energy of the Crash bomb weapon and get there back.
And Mega Man games are much less hard than all Mario, Contra, Gardius, Sonic and etc.. games I found myself (even if the first Contra isn't really hard, Super C and the others are).

Metal Man stage: You mean the drills? you can avoid them if you are REALLY careful, but definitely not in a speed run fashion.

Cannon Boss: Actually, the best way to beat them is to use Item 1, 2, and 3 to move around the level and only use crash bombs when absolutely necessary, that way you run out on the last cannon. In this sense I find the loss of health acts as a "timer" of sorts because you can't avoid the hits and therefore if you don't act fast enough, youll be killed.

by on (#27720)
I don't think games that *require* you to get hurt to progress in the storyline should be counted against them. Look at the beginning of Super Metroid, for example...

by on (#27727)
17daysolderthannes wrote:
Cannon Boss: Actually, the best way to beat them is to use Item 1, 2, and 3 to move around the level and only use crash bombs when absolutely necessary, that way you run out on the last cannon. In this sense I find the loss of health acts as a "timer" of sorts because you can't avoid the hits and therefore if you don't act fast enough, youll be killed.

If I remember correctly you can avoid the hit if you're lucky enough (the canons shoot at you so you just have to moove constantly, and there needs to be some of the cannons to be already defeated to have it wokring.
And no, you're forced to destroy the walls first, get killed and kill the cannons the second try. Even if you manage to avoid all shots and kills some of the canons before being killed, you'll eventually run out of mana, and there is no mana capsules nor any thing that you could defeat to give you one, so no matter how skilled or lucky you are, you need to loose a life once.

And yes, the begining of Super Metroid was memorable, almost give me nightmares.

by on (#27732)
Bregalad wrote:
17daysolderthannes wrote:
Cannon Boss: Actually, the best way to beat them is to use Item 1, 2, and 3 to move around the level and only use crash bombs when absolutely necessary, that way you run out on the last cannon. In this sense I find the loss of health acts as a "timer" of sorts because you can't avoid the hits and therefore if you don't act fast enough, youll be killed.

If I remember correctly you can avoid the hit if you're lucky enough (the canons shoot at you so you just have to moove constantly, and there needs to be some of the cannons to be already defeated to have it wokring.
And no, you're forced to destroy the walls first, get killed and kill the cannons the second try. Even if you manage to avoid all shots and kills some of the canons before being killed, you'll eventually run out of mana, and there is no mana capsules nor any thing that you could defeat to give you one, so no matter how skilled or lucky you are, you need to loose a life once.

And yes, the begining of Super Metroid was memorable, almost give me nightmares.

dude, you are wrong, not only have I done it myself but there is a walkthrough on GameFaqs that reminded me how to do it in the first place. If you use the items 1,2, and 3 aka the vertical platform, the wall platform, and the rocket platform you can beat the boss without losing a life. Go look on gamefaqs and see for yourself, I think its http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/nes/file/563442/3050 . I'll even post an excerpt:
Wily Cannons
Weapon Used: (C) Crash Bomber

The objective for this fight is to eliminate all of the cannons using the
Crash Bomber, but as you might expect, the catch is that some of the cannons
are blocked by walls that can only be destroyed with the same weapon. You
only have a limited amount of energy, and one mistake means you WILL fail!

This is how the room is laid out ("X" indicates a barrier, while a number
represents a cannon):

| ___| |
| |2 _X __ |
| | |_| 3| | |
|___| |__ | |
|1_X ____ | | |
|___| |__ | X__4|
| X _| |
| | | |______|
|________| |__X_____5|

Use Item-1 to reach the ledge facing Cannon 1, and fire the Crash Bomber
twice (one for the wall and one for the gun). Deploy another platform on the
very bottom (do it a little higher this time) to leap up nearby Cannon 2.
Once it is destroyed, take out 3 and 4. Activate Item-3 to climb out of the
hole, and work on eliminating the final cannon."

unfortunately the "map" is garbled so youll have to read it on gamefaqs, but I have personally used this method and beat the boss without losing a life. If you still don't believe me, I will screen capture the whole fight and put it on youtube if you bet me $10 paypal :) (In other words, paying me for my time).

by on (#27770)
Getting back to Battletoads, I wouldn't call the rest of the game insanely hard either... until you try playing through it with two players that is. Even when using unlimited lives cheats, some specific parts are virtually impossible to pass in two-player mode without using the electricity cheat... namely jumping the springs in The Revolution. As much as I love this game, RARE should've spent some more time beta testing it in two-player mode.

by on (#29217)
Sorry for bumping this but Mega Man is impossible to beat because at Willy's first level theres a point I get stuck and tried every weapon and am still stuck there.

by on (#29220)
In Castlevania, the two most ANNOYING bosses in the game are definitely Death and Igor/Frankenstein. I HATE Igor. It's not just him, it's those STUPID dragon snake things before him. Whoever decided that all enemies in later levels do 4 bars of damage needed to not do that. Sometimes I wish the NES had a Save State function, because I would use it before death and I would come equipped with the "III" thing that lets you do 3 subweapons, and I would have the axes. Everyone says that the best weapon to use against Death is the cross, but I think the axes are a lot better.

The boss of Mega Man X is really annoying if you lose, because you have to fight that stupid dog again. And also, fill up your energy tanks with the worm things coming out of the pipes.

I've never reached the boss of Mega Man 1, so I can't be of much help.

by on (#29229)
NotTheCommonDose wrote:
Sorry for bumping this but Mega Man is impossible to beat because at Willy's first level theres a point I get stuck and tried every weapon and am still stuck there.

I guess you such then.... No seriously if you don't post more details it's impossible to tell, but I beat Mega Man 1 a couple of times without cheats. I have never been able to beat Mega Man 4, 5 or 6 yet while most people seems to say they are easier than 1,2,3. That's really weird.

BTW about Battletoads, it's really incredible, the japanese version is really MUCH MUCH easier ! They removed lot of spikes and enemies, boss have much less HP, and there is unlimited continues (I think). I beat both the rat race and the clinger winger (the two more infamously hard levels) on the FIRST try !! I cannot belive how this version is easier than the usual one.
And there is japanese peolpe arround to give critics of western games to be too easy... HAHAHAHA.

And yes Mega Man X is very very easy, exept the last boss wich is very very hard. That's fun, because I noted that 99% of games are either really really hard but have a joke as a final boss (Contra series, Gradius series, Battletoads, etc...) or are rather easy all the way along but have a very damn impossible last boss (Mega Man 2, Mega Man X, Kirby's Adventure, etc...)

And about Castlevania, yes the 4 poins damage is really annoying. I sometimes have trouble to beat Frankenstein too, but this is doable if you have luck. However beat the daeath is realy realy hard if you don't have the holy water, wich is not present in the last section before it. I think I once almost beat him without cheating, but I finally just lost (that's my best score to CV1 ever). With holy water I've heard the death is a joke but it's very hard to still have holy water there, an if you mess up one time it's over.

PS : Oh one last thing. Did anyone notice how Squenix dratiscally reducted the difficulty in FF1&2 Dawn of souls and FF4,5,6 Advance ?? That's a true crime to their original counterparts !

by on (#29230)
Bregalad wrote:
NotTheCommonDose wrote:
Sorry for bumping this but Mega Man is impossible to beat because at Willy's first level theres a point I get stuck and tried every weapon and am still stuck there.
I have never been able to beat Mega Man 4, 5 or 6 yet while most people seems to say they are easier than 1,2,3. That's really weird.

I beat megaman 2,3 and am working on 4 with Anniversary Collection.

by on (#29239)
Kirby's Adventure boss just takes some time, patience, & the memorization of the bosses algorithm. Completely worth the time beating! :P (although I'll probably just use a Game Genie to beat it again to unlock the Sound Test I've been hearing about)

by on (#29240)
atari2600a wrote:
Kirby's Adventure boss just takes some time, patience, & the memorization of the bosses algorithm. Completely worth the time beating! :P (although I'll probably just use a Game Genie to beat it again to unlock the Sound Test I've been hearing about)

Too bad there is gg code to unlock the sound test and how do I beat Mega man 1? I'm stuck in a narrow space and there is no way out.

by on (#29241)

by on (#29242)
atari2600a wrote:

http://youtube.com/watch?v=w3oKLxW6rFQ but there was no magnet option in aniversary collection WTF?

by on (#29248)
NotTheCommonDose wrote:
This is incredibly hard
If anyone has info on were to get the hack I would be interested.

The handfull of japanese SMB hackers.

Requirements of gameplay:
unhuman reflexes and timing
some other stupid crap

Why make these? It's so dumb. Not entertaining for me to play really.

by on (#29249)
YOU'RE so dumb! :P

by on (#29252)
NotTheCommonDose wrote:
Too bad there is gg code to unlock the sound test and how do I beat Mega man 1? I'm stuck in a narrow space and there is no way out.

This is definitely the best info you could possibly give ? Of course, "a narrow space" is enough to descibe a place among the whole Mega Man 1 universe.
BTW to beat Mega-Clone, you shouldn't jump and he's a piece of cake. The guy of the video didn't seem to notice that.

by on (#29258)
I played Mario Forever, and I think it can be really entertaining. That is if you have the Save State function available. I got to level 4 last night. I'd like to be able to beat the game straight through some time, but I think that will be about 300 years from now.

The wierd thing about this game, and the lost levels, is that there are some really easy short levels where a message in japanese is written out with mario blocks. The one on level 3 of this game says "Ganbare!" (Don't give up or good luck), and on the lost levels, there's one that says "Arigatou!" (Thank you). I get thrown off a little when I come to these levels, because I'm expecting this really challenging level with no floor, and it ends up being this effortless level with no enemies where you just run to the end.

by on (#29259)
Bregalad wrote:
NotTheCommonDose wrote:
Too bad there is gg code to unlock the sound test and how do I beat Mega man 1? I'm stuck in a narrow space and there is no way out.

This is definitely the best info you could possibly give ? Of course, "a narrow space" is enough to descibe a place among the whole Mega Man 1 universe.
BTW to beat Mega-Clone, you shouldn't jump and he's a piece of cake. The guy of the video didn't seem to notice that.

The part that requires the "Magnet" Item I never heard of to beat Willy's first stage as shown in the video.

by on (#29260)
You get the magnet beam in Elec Man stage, arround the middle.

Reply with quote
Kirby's Adventure boss just takes some time, patience, & the memorization of the bosses algorithm. Completely worth the time beating! Razz (although I'll probably just use a Game Genie to beat it again to unlock the Sound Test I've been hearing about)

I'm just right before the last bosses, and that's one very very difficult boss I managed to beat on the millionth try, another very difficult boss I managed to beat after another long set of tries, and then another one wich is even more difficult and finally I became tired of keeping trigin, only to note that the 2 first were to have been done again, because the game didn't save. I don't know if I will ever be able to beat the first two again anyways. The worst part if that all the rest of the game is a big joke, and the last bosses are very very very very hard.

by on (#29262)
So I beat the first world on Mario Forever, then it took me to the title screen. I selected world 2, but it's world 2 of the original. I've seen what world 2 of Mario Forever is supposed to look like, and it's definitely NOT world 2 of Mario one. Does anyone have a copy with world 2 on it? I couldn't find one on google.

by on (#29263)
There's one worse called Mario Air which is a total glitch whore.