im looking for a shooter game?there is a robot salamander that appears on the right screen that let's out enemies like a grey color that apperas on the right screen its a space shooter game with black background and there are enemies attacking while you shoot the big robot looking salamander can someone help me find the name of this game please? it's space shooter game and the back ground is black no blue clouds. The screen stops moving when you get to the boss he comes from underneath and stays on the right with space craft coming out?You start off with no auto fire in a small space ship
And a big robot follows you as the screen goes up the boss is a big salamander that comes on the side from the bottom right and he's long then the enemies come out from top down. It's not life force or gradius
And a big robot follows you as the screen goes up the boss is a big salamander that comes on the side from the bottom right and he's long then the enemies come out from top down. It's not life force or gradius