No, not at all. He's just directly taking advantage of the PPU's predictable fetch cadence. It
always fetches the same four type of bytes over and over: the first byte is from the nametable, and that determines what address will be used later on. The second byte is from the attribute table, and two bits of it determine the palette used for that 8x1 sliver. The next two bytes are the two bitplanes for that 8x1 sliver.
(During sprites the nametable and attribute table fetches still happen, but their contents are ignored)
He can provide any raw numbers he wants, and the PPU just obligingly turns that into a picture.
That I can do something similar using 100% of the CPU time isn't really the same.
The MMC5's 8x8 attribute mode is the closest "real" thing to what he's done.
Tom7's method is really a hack: the Pi is really not designed for emitting bytes at
5.42.7MHz (and
especially not in response to external stimuli); a cleaner prior design was
linked in one of our discussion threads about tom7's instantiation.
For a game, without adding schmancy external hardware (i.e. MMC5, N163, VRC6, Sunsoft 4), the closest you'll get is GTROM with its 8 nametables. Those could be used with timed code to make 8x4 attribute zones to make a really pretty title screen, I guess.