I just couldn't take all the trolling I get on it with all the childish insult contests.
That's bad!!
Can't the comments be disabled?
And, know whats worst?
I didn't know your channel.
Most people from here have small, but interesting YT channels.
Comments can indeed be disabled
Comments and ratings can be disabled on individual videos, but if you've already got lots of videos it can be a pain in the ass to have to disable them for every single one. I don't think there's a way to disable them for an entire channel at once.
I tried to disable comments, but I couldn't figure out how to do it.
Disabling comments of a new yet-to-be-uploaded video (when you haven't disabled comments by default for your channel): while uploading the video, there's an Advanced Settings tab in the Youtube page. Click it and you'll find one of the checkboxes is "Allow comments". Uncheck that and click Done.
Disabling comments for a single existing video: go to Creator Studio (sometimes called "Video Editor", or "Video Manager -> Videos" -- depends where in the UI you are). Find the video you want and click the Edit button next to it. Find the Advanced Settings tab and follow the same instructions as above.
Disabling comments for multiple existing videos: go to Creator Studio (sometimes called "Video Editor"), which will give you a list of all your videos. For each video you want to edit in bulk, check the checkbox to the left of the video row (there's an empty
[ ] to the left of each video). At the top of the video listing table, click "Actions" (to expand it), then pick the menu item "More actions...", then pick "Comments", then choose "Disable comments". Because only ~30 videos are visible per page, you will have to do this process on each pages' set of videos, which can be tedious -- no sense in complaining as it's a one-time thing you gotta do.
Or you could have just clicked "Help and feedback", searched for the word "comments", and found that the first result was
Turn comments on and off. From here you could have learned that you can set "upload defaults" like so: go to the Creator Studio, expand "Channel" on the left, select "Upload defaults", uncheck "Allow comments", and click "Save" in the upper right.
Let me know where to send a bill for this "how to spend a few minutes exploring a user interface and using the Help feature" tutorial. :P
What kind of camera do people on You Tube use and where can I find this type of cameras.
YouTube is a website where you can upload your videos, and it's very useful.
I really don't like this approach of YouTube as an online "community" or social media platform though :S
You need to start working on a new type of mentality.... No Fu*ks Given
Erockbrox wrote:
You need to start working on a new type of mentality.... No Fu*ks Given
What type of mentality?
I think if I would make a new video, I think I should ask some friends to help direct me and help write scripts and stuff and editing. I hate trying to improvise a video in one take on a wobbly camera phone with no editing tricks.
As a suggestion, you could create a character, and them view all the insults/criticism/whatever are told on the comments as directed to this character, not personally to you.
Youtube is a lage site, and sure has many trolls or people that just don't understand what you're trying to show and answer with trolling and insults.
Simplifying, try develop the ability to troll the trolls, not taking anything as personal.
Stay cool, and try to not be angry. Have some funny/sarcastic answers on your pocket.
I know it's very difficult! But you can at least try to deal with it.
Or if you think it's better to don't care and prefer to not have any video online if you had to deal with the trolls, I think you've done the right thing already.
You can create multiple channels. Have one channel for your gamedev, and another one for your personal life stuff/rants.
psycopathicteen wrote:
What kind of camera do people on You Tube use and where can I find this type of cameras.
Most streamers (and YouTubers) use the Logitech C920 or the C922 Pro Stream webcams for just video (most use either headsets or better-quality mics for audio). I have a C920 -- great camera, and Windows 7 includes slim/clean drivers (from Windows Update -> Optional updates).
As for the "just learn to give no fucks" sentiment on YT videos etc. -- it's valid advice, but I
strongly recommend (on YT) disabling comments except for very select/choice videos, which is what I do. Most comments are either idiotic, worthless (no substance/point), or insulting (this includes trolling). It's just not worth it.
I'll do all of this stuff. I'll stay away from posting videos for a while (except for homebrew game updates). Get a better camera. Practice acting. Ask friends to help. Keep comments disabled until I'm ready to handle comments.
pubby wrote:
You can create multiple channels. Have one channel for your gamedev, and another one for your personal life stuff/rants.
Yeah, this was your biggest problem, way too many rants about feminists, not enough game stuff.
If they didn't want rants about feminists, they should've left me alone instead of going around the internet spreading rumors about me constantly, forcing me to constantly defend myself over and over again. I can't even talk about the biggest issue I have with feminists and that is the "nice guys finish last" shit like this:
https://www.independent.co.uk/life-styl ... 76651.html
Please keep your personal politics off this forum.
I wasn't the one who brought it up.
When informed you would have been better served keeping your politics off your gaming youtube channel, you instead felt the need to justify your opinions. Well, please take the same advice for here: keep politics out of our forum.
What if people find out it's the same person?
In general, socially or politically-oriented discussions on nesdev are shunned for two reasons: 1) they're extremely off-topic for what this forum is as a whole (read: we come here for the tech stuff!), and 2) especially these days, many of us see/hear enough politics online as is (particularly true if you're American, even more so if you're on Twitter or Facebook). I too would ask, politely of course, that you keep this type of thing off of the nesdev forum. That goes for anyone, not just you! :-)
You have a right to whatever opinions you have (and I support you having that right), but if dealing with the fallout public display of those opinions is something you can't deal with (ex. tedious, stressful, unwanted drama, harassers, etc.) then it's best to simply not discuss those opinions in those public arenas (e.g. nesdev forum, YouTube, etc.).
There will always be people on the Internet who dedicate time to digging up dirt on others; connecting YT accounts/channels, social media, etc. just to give a person grief. There's always some jackass who for some reason can't just say "wow, I really disagree with these opinions" and leave it at that. You should not "live in fear" of such jackasses, but if you're concerned about it happening, then solving it (for your own safety, sanity, etc.) is fairly easy: don't talk about political/social subjects publicly. Save those discussions for private chats with people with whom you know personally. Depending on your personality type (I'm an introvert), 1:1 conversations may hold more weight.
pubby's recommendation to split your personal and tech stuff up into two separate YT channels is good advice (but see above paragraph). My advice would be to simply stop involving those opinions in publicly-displayed subject material. You can talk about programming, console dev, etc. without involving politics in the process. If someone tries to coerce you into discussing it (through seemingly innocent questions), just tell them it's off-topic/irrelevant/inappropriate and move forward.
TL;DR -- keep political stuff off nesdev, and follow the general advice of "don't incite debate/arguments through public display of opinions if you can't accept the potential fallout, no matter how minor or major". There are a lot of troublemakers online these days.
Here we have a saying that translates roughly to "don't poke the poop, it'll start stinking". So what Koitsu says, don't bring up those topics and problem is solved.
There are some political topics that I'm inclined to allow, such as a bill that affects how much control console makers have over works on their platform.
Like koitsu said, you must split your personal/dev YT videos in 2 YT channels .
Your snes channel was really good with some great demos .
Man, sounds like I missed out on all of the fun.
Altough I think these subjects deserved to be discussed, I don't think NesDev is the right place.
This forum has been nice, full of polited people thar freely discuss ideas about retro games and consoles.
I saw some forums that opened to political discussion became a big mess with lots of flame wars and walls of text, then just vanish.
As a tip if you really are going to discuss it elsewhere, is to you try to understand the ideas you'll "combat".
As in a difficult game, if you know what challenges will come it'll be easy to avoid and surpass them.
So, try to understand your adversary, it's faults and weakness.
And be preparred to lots of
"Argumentum ad hominem".
Best regards and good luck!
I just realized this, but I think my vocal chords need to be looked at by a doctor.
That's a bit random.
That is, unless, you found that out by listening yourself in your old videos.
Still a bit random to bring up to the guys you talk about retro programming with... Not jargon random, but still random.
Pretty much, it's something I notice whenever I make a video. How dry my voice always comes out. It doesn't help that my phone's microphone isn't very good.
You can never please everyone, but you can always improve your content to avoid their negative comments.
There's some simple breathing techniques you can use to make your voice sound better.
Basically, you should breath by using your diafragma (the muscle that splits your chest from your belly) and relax your chest allowing the air to flow through your throat as you speak.
Also, you can make tests with relation of how contracted/relaxed your neck and throat muscles are and the final results of your voice. But be careful, because keeping these muscles too contracted for long periods of time can hurt you.
Notice that your own voice recorded will sound different, because we also
perceive sounds through the bones of our skull.It's nice to have some friend(s) to listen and opinate about your voice.
The ambient you're recording, the microphone and it's positioning also plays a big hole on the overall audio quality.
Most experienced people say that the microphone should be considered part of your voice, so you should learn it's limitations and how to circunvent them by changing a little the way you speak.
You can also record your voice multiple times and mix with panning/echo/reverb to make your voice sound less "dry", but it's not as simple/cheap as changing a little the way you breath/speak.
Sorry about this long post, but I couldn't find the webpage I originally had read this years ago.
I used these techniques when I needed to talk to many people in open spaces without any help of electronic devices.
At first it was a bit difficult, but with some practice I managed to be heard and understood by all.
Hope it can help ou too.
jmorgan1993 wrote:
You can never please everyone, but you can always improve your content to avoid their negative comments.
Is there any way I can improve content without pretending to be a liberal?
I'm not alt right either, but I rarely come across them anyway.