Awesome Games Done Quick 2018 ends!

This is an archive of a topic from NESdev BBS, taken in mid-October 2019 before a server upgrade.
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Awesome Games Done Quick 2018 ends!
by on (#211440)
The speedgaming charity marathon AGDQ 2018 begins in one minute. Pre-show is already on. was a great success once more, raising millions for PCF.
*GDQ regularly raises a million dollars twice annually; SGDQ for Doctors without Borders, AGDQ for Prevent Cancer Foundation.
Main page.
Also-useful links:
Run schedule.
Donation tracker. (Has subpages of what challenges/bid wars/prizes are available, and a duplicate schedule too)
Official youtube channel is uploading copies of runs already.
Someone helpfully has an autouploader to youtube if you want to catch something you missed. (videos now removed)
The reddit VoD thread,
which has in the past usually been the first place to find links to the starts of completed runs on the Twitch recordings.
(Addendum: in the OP. The comment thread has some hateful people in it, again.)
Re: Awesome Games Done Quick 2018 begins!
by on (#211494)
Reddit has been very toxic regarding this year's AGDQ for some reason, so to enjoy the festivities, stay away from the Reddit discussion.
Re: Awesome Games Done Quick 2018 begins!
by on (#211498)
Dwedit wrote:
Reddit has been very toxic regarding this year's AGDQ for some reason, so to enjoy the festivities, stay away from the Reddit discussion.

Reddit? Toxic? Who would have guessed ;-)
Re: Awesome Games Done Quick 2018 begins!
by on (#211517)
Dwedit wrote:
Reddit has been very toxic regarding this year's AGDQ for some reason, so to enjoy the festivities, stay away from the Reddit discussion.

Hmm…quite. I normally don't go south of the purely-informational OP. *edits description*
Re: Awesome Games Done Quick 2018 begins!
by on (#211616)
They're selling these NES carts but there's no game inside. Seems like a waste.

Re: Awesome Games Done Quick 2018 begins!
by on (#211627)
Could it be empty because there are as of yet no NES homebrew games that are A. in the correct genre, B. polished enough to have a speedrun scene, and C. available for licensing for multicart production?

Hagen's Alley Books published an NES cart related to the VGBS podcast that doesn't have a "game" as such but does have an ebook summarizing each episode and some chiptunes.
Re: Awesome Games Done Quick 2018 begins!
by on (#211630)
I’d say storming the catsle by GG might be a pretty good nes homebrew candidate for speedruns, though it’s insanely hard to beat in one run in the first place, so it might be hard finding competitors in pluralis.
Re: Awesome Games Done Quick 2018 begins!
by on (#211641)
Battle Kid games are frequently run at GDQ and similar events
Re: Awesome Games Done Quick 2018 begins!
by on (#211646)
I'm just mesmerized that it's a cartridge with a label depicting a cartridge with a label :lol:
Re: Awesome Games Done Quick 2018 begins!
by on (#211652)
Droste effects in NES cart labels have been around for a decade, since the original PowerPak.
Re: Awesome Games Done Quick 2018 begins!
by on (#211829)
It's over, having raised $2.26M, a new high for it.
We're past the exponential growth period of $(y)>2$(y-1).