Fun with personality tests

This is an archive of a topic from NESdev BBS, taken in mid-October 2019 before a server upgrade.
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Fun with personality tests
by on (#13942)
I hope this is acceptable, given the intensity of this debate. Anyway, take these personality tests in the order specified:

_Test A_ * _Test B_ * _Test C_

Write out your results in order and make any other comments you wish concerning the detailed numbers or the perceived accuracy of the tests. My example follows below.

I am a Lawful Good Half-Elf Fighter ISTJ Centrist. Concerning the Myers-Briggs part, I am a strong Introvert (67%) but have only a 1% bias in favor of being a Sensor. My Myers-Briggs type is known as the "Inspector Guardian" (right on!). My political score is right on the border with libertarianism. These results generally seem to go along with the fact that I highly value justice and fairness.

P.S. If anyone has his or her own suggestions for personality tests that others can take, please feel free to post them here.

by on (#13944)
True Neutral Halfling Bard ISTP Liberal Statist

That other guy got banned because he was trying his hardest to be a pain in the butt, and adding topics that have no inherent value on any forum or billboard within 4 light-years of his location.

Intelligently worded posts(or their authors) needn't fear banning or deletion. It suggests that a note from an admin would be the worst that's needed to curb any undesirable behavior.

by on (#13945)
That was fun. I'm a Neutral Good Half-Elf Bard, INFP, Libertarian.

by on (#13949)
Chaotic Good Human Barbarian, ESTJ, Libertarian.

by on (#13950)
Lawful Neutral Human Fighter, INTJ, Centrist

by on (#13952)
never really belived in these as I allways gets to tired of the questions after a while..

but anyway::
Chaotic Good Elf Bard | INFP | Liberal / Libertarian

by on (#13958)
Cool test !
However there is some question/aswers I didn't understood at all not undestanding some rare english words, so I picked several answer randomly, so my character can be a little fake.
Anyway I'm a :
Lawful Good Halfling Monk Fighter

by on (#13973)
Chaotic Neutral Elf Bard :shock:

by on (#13990)
I am a Neutral Good Half-Elf Ranger, INTJ, Centrist (one square down from the Left/Libertarian/Centrist intersection)
I can see how I'd fit tests 1 and 3. As for the Jung test, I've been scored as an INTP before, but my J/P rating on this one was close to the border.

by on (#14028)
Chaotic Neutral Half-Orc Cleric

by on (#14041)
Quick note: The tests are not officially related in any way - those were just the few tests I had at hand. I just wanted to get some general statistics, and I'm mostly seeing what I expect (namely that the users of the NESDev message boards tend to have good moral values and be introverts).

Should I start separate threads for one or more of these issues that I mentioned:
1. Discussing your opinion of these personality tests, or of whatever personality tests you have taken and wish to mention
2. Suggestions for other personality tests to take

by on (#14043)
namely that the users of the NESDev message boards tend to have good moral values and be introverts

I think that'd be the case of most people, unless you check the case where you're helping thieves or use violent answers everywhere.