the Mandela effect

This is an archive of a topic from NESdev BBS, taken in mid-October 2019 before a server upgrade.
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the Mandela effect
by on (#198063)
So what kinds of stuff do you remember that you found out you remember it wrong, or there being no trace of existence?

I remember a Bugs Bunny cartoon that got lost some time in the late 90s, early 2000 called "Rabbit Stew". It had a scene where Bugs Bunny climbs up a tree. Elmer Fudd chops the tree down, and runs. He yells "Timber!" and it falls right on his head. In another scene Elmer Fudd is chasing Bugs. He runs off a cliff but doesn't notice it. He sees Bugs Bunny standing on another cliff on the opposite side of the canyon. Bugs Bunny points down, and Elmer Fudd notices that he is standing on thin air, so he struggles to get back on land, but Bugs gives him an anvil. Another scene Elmer is chasing Bugs and Bugs Bunny dives into his rabbit hole. Elmer grabs Bugs by the leg and pulls him up, only finding out he grabbed a fake leg with a stick of dynamite tied to it.

I tried finding information about this cartoon and why it hasn't aired since the 90s, but I can't find it being listed on any list of Bugs Bunny cartoons. It's like it never existed, and I probably just imagined it when I was little.
Re: the Mandela effect
by on (#198065)
(cf. gaslighting)
Memory is a reconstructive process.
Re: the Mandela effect
by on (#198841)
Here's a question, which Sonic is the one you remember? The top one is an emulator pic, the bottom is the same picture photo-shopped to how I remember it looking. It could just be that I had the saturation pushed up when I played it.

sonic mandela effect.png
sonic mandela effect.png [ 38.48 KiB | Viewed 2768 times ]
Re: the Mandela effect
by on (#198852)
That's not the Mandela effect, that's TV adjustments.
Re: the Mandela effect
by on (#198856)
And nonlinearity of the VDP DAC, if this tweet by Sik is to be believed.

EDIT: Corrected tweet link. Use of bidirectional override characters in Twitter display names is so confusing.
Re: the Mandela effect
by on (#198858)
tepples wrote:
if this tweet by Sik is to be believed.

Which one?
Re: the Mandela effect
by on (#198860)
I think this post can be sort of related to the Mandela effect. Or not...

I personally had an eerie experience when I was about 16.
It was about me comitting suicide and seeing lots and lots of vivid details of what happens next.
Although it seemed VERY real, in the end I just woke up in my bed...
So... since I'm here typing this, it certanly was a dream!

Not much related to Mandela effect, but mostly to paralel realities, or very crazy dreams!!
Maybe I should use it as inspiration to write a creepypasta or so. :wink:
Re: the Mandela effect
by on (#198879)
That is more a "Glitch in the Matrix"
Re: the Mandela effect
by on (#198889)
tepples wrote:
And nonlinearity of the VDP DAC, if this tweet by Sik is to be believed. ... =22&t=2188
Re: the Mandela effect
by on (#198895)
Speaking on Sonic The Hedgehog, in the early 90s my cousins brought over their own Sega console (pretty sure it was a Genesis and maybe the Sega CD?) to our apartment and they played all night long. I'm not sure what it was, but for whatever reason, I remembered Sonic and Metal Sonic both jumping out of some explosion together (one to the left, the other to the right) and thinking it looked so cool.

Having played practically every Sonic game up to 2000, I'm pretty sure it wasn't part of any Sonic game, and certainly not Sonic CD. It might have been a weird commercial or video or something, but I never managed to find it again, so I chocked it up to my memory lying to me. It's the only time I think I've fabricated something so elaborate from bad memory; I spent an entire summer playing through Sonic games and searching videos (although that was fun).
Re: the Mandela effect
by on (#198938)
The first time I saw Megaman played in a gameshop, I vividly remember how the player got to play the level as the boss he selected at the stage select screen - i.e., playing as Iceman on Iceman's stage.

It was only when I've owned a copy of the game long enough and hadn't found the "secret cheat" that I eventually admitted to myself that I just must have confused Iceman's and Megaman's appearance in the short first time I got familliar with the game.
Re: the Mandela effect
by on (#198968)
In my opinion the so called "Mandela effect" does not exist - it's just something made up by AVGN (or by someone else and was made known to me through AVGN).

It's definitely possible for anyone to mis-remember something, this is probably due to how our brain works. This had definitely happened to me. However I don't think it's possible for many people to mis-remember something in the exact same way. So in my opinion the "Mandela effect" is just the combination of one individual mis-remembering something, and him to be able to convince other individuals that they also mis-remember the same thing, even though they don't.
Re: the Mandela effect
by on (#198983)
Bregalad wrote:
"Mandela effect" does not exist

I agree with you.
It seems to be related to some kind of suggested self-hypnosis or some small failure on our memory's reconstructive process. Nothing about alternative realities and such things.
I've read something about this subject but I just can't find it right now :-(
It's very interesting to try to understand the inner workings of our brain, the most complex "machine" ever!