Re: Excellent OpenGL tutorial site.
by Gilbert on 2017-03-19 (#191517)
Seems to be a great site! But: Offline book <-- Possibly the only thing one may need most of the time.
Re: Excellent OpenGL tutorial site.
by Bregalad on 2017-03-20 (#191526)
Looks like I won't need to program for the NES anymore
Re: Excellent OpenGL tutorial site.
by calima on 2017-03-20 (#191529)
The official book and the SuperBible are good dead-tree editions.
Re: Excellent OpenGL tutorial site.
by never-obsolete on 2017-03-20 (#191555)
Thanks for the link. I've been making the switch from immediate mode to modern openGL, and most tutorials skip over the details of what the examples are doing or why something is needed.
Re: Excellent OpenGL tutorial site.
by pubby on 2017-03-20 (#191589)